Terror in Mexico


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MT Mentor
Eleven die in Mexico border attacks as US upgrades travel alert

Tue Oct 14, 7:38 PM ET
MEXICO CITY (AFP) - Eleven died in various attacks in Mexico's northern state of Chihuahua, an official said Tuesday, as the United States warned its citizens to increase vigilance when traveling south of the border.

Border areas where rival drug cartels are battling over key routes into the United States are among the worst hit in escalating violence across Mexico this year in which almost 3,500 have died, including civilians.
"Increased levels of violence make it imperative that travelers understand the risks of travel to Mexico," said a new six-monthly State Department travel alert.
Eleven died in attacks in Chihuahua State in the past 24 hours, including a former police commander, said Alejandro Pariente, spokesman for the state attorney general's office, on Tuesday.
Seems traveling down south below the border isn't a good idea now-a-days. Not surprising since the Drug-War hasn't really done much to stem the tide of violence and death and the ability to stop smugglers from bringing their crap over. I'm sure U.S. law enforcement is doing what they can with what budgets they're given and trying to ferret out the ones corrupted by the money that can be made looking the other way.

Part of me thinks that Sam Houston should've killed Santa Ana when they captured him and annexed Mexico into Texas and later making it a state of the Union. Benefits of that is no illegal immigration problems, a MUCH smaller border to patrol/protect down by Central America, oil resources in the gulf, larger base of military personnel during the World Wars and today, and a much better soccer team :lol:

Wonders if the present/future administration would even consider drug cartels as "terrorist organizations". Probably not. Real terrorists don't provide kick-backs to lower status politicians.
Wonders if the present/future administration would even consider drug cartels as "terrorist organizations". Probably not. Real terrorists don't provide kick-backs to lower status politicians.

wouldn't matter if they did. we're at war with drugs too, remember?

i wonder how that war is going?

Because of some of the sources -- I'm not going into really deep detail.

But the Zapetas and the other cartels are coming to a new understanding. As they do this -- it's getting increasingly violent. I'd be very hesitant to travel to Mexico right now.

With regard to terrorism & narcotics cartels -- the links are documented and known. Narco-terrorism as a term has been used for more than 10 years -- and it's getting worse.

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