Aye Chihuahua will the violence in Mexico ever end!


2nd Black Belt

(CNN) --
A soccer game was suspended after gunfire erupted outside a stadium in northern [Torreon] Mexico, sending players fleeing and spectators ducking for cover under seats.

About 40 minutes into the match, thundering shots pierced through the noisy stadium.
Torreon is in the state of Coahuila, which like other border states, has seen a high level of drug cartel-related violence.
Last month, authorities in Torreon said they found 10 mutilated bodies inside the back of a truck, Notimex reported.


Open to thoughts and comments.

I am personally concerned with this type of violence and the Mexican drug cartel spreading more aggressively into the US. There is already evidence of Southern Mexicans turning to muslim terrorists as well as being muslim to join them. I hope the speech by Alejandro Irarragori isn't romantic prose, and Mexicans will take charge of what is happening to their own country and face it in a new direction. That they will put a stop to the turmoil that has immobilized their country. Before it is too late. As there has been too much gruesome violence and blood shed already, I don't see how the country can suffer anymore.​

I posted this thread 2.5+ years ago, and the situation has not gotten any better.

There are many intelligent, hard-working people in the country that are horrified at these things going on in their mother country. Unfortunately, Mexico has some serious systemic issues with corruption at all levels.

Personally though, the violence isn't widespread enough to keep me out of the country. I'm hoping for a winter holiday in Cuernavaca. :)
The violence will continue and likely escalate until the cartels either: are eradicated or minimized to the point where they're not a threat anymore to anyone except to themselves or they take over the country as a whole. The Mexican people are responsible for governing their own country... eventually they'll get sick of the violence and take measures to eliminate the threat(s) posed upon them and their citizenry. Indeed, there are armed gangs that seek out or protect local neighborhoods from such violence, which tells me that they are getting sick and tired of being sick and tired.
We here in the states can and SHOULD take a far more aggressive stance against any smugglers who come into this country armed. Why this isn't treated like an armed invasion I dunno but it should be and dealt with as such. The military has the technology to pinpoint and wipe out any aggressors that cross the border into our soil. Make it so it's a suicide mission to try and cross the US/Mexican border with weaponry or drugs.
Until then our "war on drugs" is a damned joke.
I wish you safe travels, and that you don't get kidnapped. As a marker, am told is really getting bad in Mexico city, especially with the taxis. I was in a Mexican restaurant, more authentic than Taco Bell, when I heard two different people talk about two incidences of family members kidnapped while in two different places in Mexico. Both said the kidnappings and violence are getting worse and in more places. Like I said, especially in Mexico city which has a great representative significant in control of the problem. Please be safe.