I just saw my second article on this ...
Texas Governor Perry, several years back, proposed a 'Trans-Texas Highway', that runs North-South across Texas ... and then extends from Mexico to Canada. I understand that our Federal Government has picked up on the idea, and has been working toward approvals of this 'six-lane-in-each-direction' highway. The first report said that the border crossings on this highway were going to be created to expidite crossings.
The first article I read on this highway indicated that one of the reasons for the highway is to circumvent organized labor. Cargo Container ships could be unloaded in Mexio, free from the Dock-Worker Unions. From a Mexico port, non-Teamster truckers would be able transport the goods across the border to U.S. Warehouses. I understand that Tractor Trailers from Mexico can now travel within the United States without meeting U.S. emmission requirements.
This report indicates this new 'SuperHighway' would run parallel to the existing Eisenhower Highway - Interstate 35.
I can only imagine there will be a significant 'spur' off this highway, toward Bentonville.
Texas Governor Perry, several years back, proposed a 'Trans-Texas Highway', that runs North-South across Texas ... and then extends from Mexico to Canada. I understand that our Federal Government has picked up on the idea, and has been working toward approvals of this 'six-lane-in-each-direction' highway. The first report said that the border crossings on this highway were going to be created to expidite crossings.
The first article I read on this highway indicated that one of the reasons for the highway is to circumvent organized labor. Cargo Container ships could be unloaded in Mexio, free from the Dock-Worker Unions. From a Mexico port, non-Teamster truckers would be able transport the goods across the border to U.S. Warehouses. I understand that Tractor Trailers from Mexico can now travel within the United States without meeting U.S. emmission requirements.
This report indicates this new 'SuperHighway' would run parallel to the existing Eisenhower Highway - Interstate 35.
I can only imagine there will be a significant 'spur' off this highway, toward Bentonville.