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Dale Seago said:
. . .you're not even a legitimate Bujinkan instructor anymore. And that being the case -- especially as you've been "out of the loop" (if you were ever really in it) for years, any opinions you express about the Bujinkan, its instructors, its training methods, etc. are simply not relevant (whether they're favorable or unfavorable).
Ralph, your entire written "body of work" on the 'net makes my points for me far better than I can do myself.

Regardless of who is "Right or Wrong", if there even is a Right or Wrong here...

Can we leave the Ego's, personal attacks, and "My Sensei can beat up your sensei" attitudes at the door and discuss budo, not strut our ego's over who has the most confirmed kills under his belt?

Dale shihan.. ha ha ha .. I didn't fell you would address the subject.. you always run and just avoid.. like a good ninja would.. leaving your lies here as truth.. when knowing in your heart you have lied...

Well I do have 6 and half more months on my shidoshikai membership... LOL... so what can you say.. and I'm still a member... so.. what can you say ?
Nothing really..
So why not get back to the subject Dale shihan... and answer the questions of right and wrong.. honesty and integrity...???????????????????????

Maybe it is you do not find these to be the qualities of a martial artist or of a Bujinkan Dojo member..??????????? Honesty, right and wrong and integrity?
Do you..LOL..

I do.
So in 6 and half months we will see if in fact I do re-sign up on my membership as a shidoshikai member.. and if I do what will you have to say then? More or less the same as now...

The problem is.. I still am what I am.. you cannot change that...
You cannot change I have trained and still are training in the ryuha of Hatsumi sensei Bujinkan Dojo.. as well as other Japanese ryu. You cannot change that..
You cannot change I am ranked by the soke, Hatsumi sensei...
You cannot change the methods in which I train or teach...

But you can change your own living conditions and your own unwholesome state of mind.

In my opinion and from what I have experienced from you over the past 16 years.. you are ill and promote ill feelings amoung human beings... and I do not feel that is becoming as a good person or as a member of the Bujinkan Dojo... and of course not as a guide for others...

Pretty simple.

ralph severe, kamiyama


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Sheldon Bedell
i've been reading your posts on ebudo and here for a long while. you always bost and brag about your aparant combat skills. weather you have some or not i really dont think anyone really cares. you seem to do whatever you want, and thats fine too. but by your postings i truely can call you an a$$hole. the way you come off on people is like that bully trying to take someones lunch money. dale isnt going to address your threats ,as he shouldn't...... if someone threatens you, do you always jump up and make them mash patato's? are you that afraid of yourself?
this come to my dojo and lets settle this is really pathetic. some of dales long time (and current)students are military,police,sheriff, and correctional guards. but you wont hear him mention this to justify what he teach's. he also teaches alot rougher in his class training than he does abroad, depending on what is being taught. he tries to convey whats being done in japan as best as he can(and its amazing how accurate that is).
so to sum it all up. its always entertaining to read your posts. i look forward to them, kind of like the uncle that gets too drunk at functions and makes a fool of himself.
Thanks Clayton for saying that and giving me time to laugh before my response. Ralph, I'm sure that you are good at what you do. I'm sure that I would have a blast training with you and your students. I'm also sure that you are not the poster child for perfect human. Attacking Dale's character was quite over board. Dale happens to be one of the nicest, most caring people I know. To say that he is "ill" and promotes illness in others was at first infuriating and then laughable. It's amazing how you historically seem to attack character when aren't getting your way. Maybe you should question your own "health".

BTW, which is worse, smoking every once in a while, or being grossly over weight?

GUYS... This thread is about Tenjindo.

If the thread is over... stop posting. The whole Ninjutsu forum is getting out of hand. Lets TRY and talk about Ninjutsu. Please.
Hey Mr pure evil...
I believe enough has been said.. it's been fun.. funny.

The truth will come out when my new DVD set is ready to be advertised in BLACK BELT mag in 6 to 8 months... the authenticity of what I do will be exposed in those..
Lets see what happens then...
And after they are reviewed.. if you don't feel they are 'right'.. then say so..

Thanks for the fun Dale shihan.. wish you were just honest.

ralph severe, kamiyama
tshadowchaser said:


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Sheldon Bedell

I'll shut up and be nice, pending verification from Japan on Mr. Severe's Bujinkan status. His earlier statement, "YES, I have broken away from the mickey mouse show.. or circus as itĀ’s called.. The politics of the BujinkanĀ… and the rat race to ranking and kissing butt. YOU ARE CORRECT !", appears to be at odds with what he's saying now; so perhaps I can be forgiven for some confusion on the issue.
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