Mybe I should clarify a little, I am not trying to say you aren`t skillfull, it just sounds like you were talking the muscle there, and I did wander around a bit much, basically to call people weak is a matter of opinion(though some people may be more right than others), and you may be right, but really is it necessary? Maybe you are speaking about them as people, and not of their skill or power, but if thats the case then why write it in public? Do you need to defend your ego that much? A person who is confident usually doesn`t resort to that kind of thing, and you do seem very confident. Anyway I re read my last post and it sounds a little attacking which its not meant to, I just think comments like the last one are not needed.That said-
One other thing I was thinking, do you really think you give your students the ability to survive? I get the impression you are quite a natural when it comes to the combat thing, but is that something that can be taught? I have wondered about this myself, some people who may not even have martial arts training, you can tell that at all costs its better to go around, others(and we have all met people like this) who may be very highly graded you stop and think, that guy has no idea(and its not just the Bujinkan-I am not debating rank) You know what I mean? I just wonder what your take on this is, I agree that people can through training and hardship become skilled and very capable of looking after themselves, but I am talking about the kind of person who was born for it, and I guess that could be a topic in itself. I come from a reasonably sheltered upbringing living in the country, a fight there generally stops when a man goes down(though worse happens), however in the city where know one knows you the limits of decency get lifted, a guy goes down, you don`t know him, why stop kicking?? I am not that sort of person but they are out there, and in my training the first thing I got told was no martial art will help if your unconscious. I am just wondering how you feel that a person can through what I imagine is really quite safe training you can instill the presence of mind required to survive?? Again I will stress I am not commenting on you as a martial artist nor anyone else, I am not qualified, just wondering what you think. Also the questions while directed at Ralph can be commented on by anyone...
One other thing I was thinking, do you really think you give your students the ability to survive? I get the impression you are quite a natural when it comes to the combat thing, but is that something that can be taught? I have wondered about this myself, some people who may not even have martial arts training, you can tell that at all costs its better to go around, others(and we have all met people like this) who may be very highly graded you stop and think, that guy has no idea(and its not just the Bujinkan-I am not debating rank) You know what I mean? I just wonder what your take on this is, I agree that people can through training and hardship become skilled and very capable of looking after themselves, but I am talking about the kind of person who was born for it, and I guess that could be a topic in itself. I come from a reasonably sheltered upbringing living in the country, a fight there generally stops when a man goes down(though worse happens), however in the city where know one knows you the limits of decency get lifted, a guy goes down, you don`t know him, why stop kicking?? I am not that sort of person but they are out there, and in my training the first thing I got told was no martial art will help if your unconscious. I am just wondering how you feel that a person can through what I imagine is really quite safe training you can instill the presence of mind required to survive?? Again I will stress I am not commenting on you as a martial artist nor anyone else, I am not qualified, just wondering what you think. Also the questions while directed at Ralph can be commented on by anyone...