Tenchu 4

I wish there were better ninja games. Oh well...I'll still probably buy tenchu anyway.
You know I rarely if ever play video games but I have heard some good things about this one. Maybe I will give it a try.
Tenchu is fun but if the AI gets any stupider it wont be worth playing. And the rumor is that the Wii basically redid Fatal Shadows with Wii Control and slightly updated gameplay and graphics. Nothing amazing there.

I'll stick with Tenchu Z
I'll stick with Tenchu Z
I think that is the best version yet, although they did use Sho Kasugi for the mocap in the second edition for PS2.
You know Tenchu seems to get worse and worse. I'm still a fan, but I wish it were more well done. I'd like a ninja game that was more like Metal Gear Solid. Something thrown together better.
Well, this one looks like it has some good potential. I'll probably check it out.
I bought Tenchu yesterday, and it's pretty much what I expected. The combat is hard, you gotta be spot on to win a fight in that game.

The ninja in the game are stiff as robots though.