Your absolutely right just because you have been to the rifle range it does not make you a veteran. But it does make you better prepared than the guy that never went to the rifle range. My personal opinion is any training is better than none. When that guy attacks you with a stick, rock, knife, barehands any TRAINING is better than curling into a ball getting knifed in the back, period. If all you can do is curl into a ball, then you'd of been better off getting the Taebo tapes, at least you'd learn some kind of punch or kick, something. I mean dam, just get real good at running! I mean why consider any kind of training at all whatsoever? Just learn to run real fast, for long distances, I mean hell when I was a kid it saved my *** more than once, and a good run beats a bad stand anyday. Course then again just the play fights me and my buddies had growing up saved my *** more than once also. It ain't whatcha know, or how much of it, it's how good you are at it, that matters. But I digress since, "playing sports games" can't save your life, I guess you shouldn't take wrestling or bjj either. Right?
I mean shoot, in the right situation, football very well could save your life. You get backed into a corner, and nowhere to go but threw the guys, you might be able to blast threw them depending on talent, strength, explosiveness, and be able to do what? RUN AWAY! That's what your saying, is that if you can't make it to some kind of a dojo, that they shouldn't make an attempt at anything, because nothing but personal live instruction is going to work. So why don't you just say this, "Hey look man this is what you need to do, go down to the local shoe store and buy the best pair of running shoes that you can get, and whenever someone tries to hurt you just turn and run, cause videos are going to cause more trouble than good." How does that sound? Pretty discouraging huh. I think so.
A good motto that I live by is this, " When things break, or go bad, do something. Even if it's the wrong thing, do something! Cause if you don't it's definitely going to get worse!"Damn sure can't get better or change if you sit around with your finger up your hoo-hoo "

Wise words from a wise man I learned to respect for his knowledge of life, and of drilling. Something to think about when you say it can't be done. Those are the guys that never get anything done. At one time people said, "We'll never set foot on the moon." But one guy somewhere's said, " I'll find a way", and he did.
Only children say, " It can't be done, you can't do it. " a man turns around and says, " Watch me do it!" and he does.
*ding* and he had a thought and it became wisdom. The wisdom became knowledge. The knowledge became insight. The insight became the possibilities. The possibilities became endless, and nothing was impossible anymore.:asian: