Teachers union's lapse protects perverts

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Teachers union's lapse protects perverts

2011-07-08 17:13:27

The pretense is gone. The Colorado Education Association puts the interests of students beneath the interests of its dues-paying members.
Those who doubt this hypothesis should consider the union’s level of concern about students who are raped and molested by teachers.
We could list recent stories of teachers having sex with students, but that might under-represent the trend. To grasp the problem, try this. Get on Google and search “teacher sex student .” Or go to the search field on gazette .com or any other media website, and use search phrases that contain the words “teacher,” “sex,” and “student.” Also try “coach ” along with “sex” and “student.” Try a search that limits results to Colorado Springs, or any other city.

The result, as it was for The Gazette’s editorial board, will be discouraging lists of teachers suspected or convicted of having sex with students. It has become a routine local story throughout the United States, and it is a crisis that dwarfs even the sex scandal of the Catholic church. A congressional study has confirmed the crisis, an investigative series by the Associated Press has exposed it, and an array of other surveys have confirmed what seems obvious. It is beyond dispute that we have a sex-assault crisis involving public school teachers and coaches who molest children.

Let us be clear. The vast majority of public school employees are honorable professionals who are underpaid for some of the most important work in society. We must be careful to avoid letting a small percentage of pedophiles and perverts mangle the reputations of others. Yet we must also recognize how this profession attracts sexual deviants, who work alongside true professionals, because it gives them easy access to kids.
Given the frequency with which students are molested, raped and groped in schools, it is common sense to demand that school districts employ reasonable measures to protect our kids from predators. This is in the best interests of children and the reputation of the teaching field. Teachers who are not perverts have the most to lose when predators infiltrate their ranks.
Recognizing this, the Colorado State Board of Education adopted rules in April that require school officials to notify parents when a school employee is charged with any felony. They must notify parents of misdemeanor charges involving sexual assault, child abuse or indecent exposure.
So leave it to the Colorado Education Association — our state’s largest teachers union — to protect the interests of predators against this reasonable security measure that favors children. The association wants a judge to toss the requirement, arguing that an arrest merely represents an accusation of wrongdoing.
I see their point, I could agree, but, then I would be grievously wrong as well.
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I`m a junior high and high school teacher by profession. First of all, most teachers are NOT under paid in the US once they have a bit of experience. But let me get to the point here that`s going to make my brain hemorage out of my nose here. When I get a citation for having a dirty resturaunt it`s published in the newspaper. In small towns, if I get a ticket for littering or DWI it`s placed in the paper. I haven`t been convicted yet, but it`s a matter of public record and it goes into the news.

But if I`m a teacher working with kids day in and day out, the union wants the fact that I`m accused of being a child molester to be kept a big secret until I`ve had my day in court? On the one hand I applaud them for not wanting to rush to judgement......but give me a break! If it`s gone far enough that charges have been filed then the parents have a right to know. And the school district has every right to end my contract whether I`ve been convicted or not. The DA`s office doesn`t like to lose cases and they aren`t going to file charges unless they think they have enough evidence to win.
I`m a junior high and high school teacher by profession. First of all, most teachers are NOT under paid in the US once they have a bit of experience. But let me get to the point here that`s going to make my brain hemorage out of my nose here. When I get a citation for having a dirty resturaunt it`s published in the newspaper. In small towns, if I get a ticket for littering or DWI it`s placed in the paper. I haven`t been convicted yet, but it`s a matter of public record and it goes into the news.

But if I`m a teacher working with kids day in and day out, the union wants the fact that I`m accused of being a child molester to be kept a big secret until I`ve had my day in court? On the one hand I applaud them for not wanting to rush to judgement......but give me a break! If it`s gone far enough that charges have been filed then the parents have a right to know. And the school district has every right to end my contract whether I`ve been convicted or not. The DA`s office doesn`t like to lose cases and they aren`t going to file charges unless they think they have enough evidence to win.

On the one hand, you are right, on the other, DWI does not carry much of a stigma, or being a litter bug...but being a suspected child molester could get you killed.
I`m a junior high and high school teacher by profession. First of all, most teachers are NOT under paid in the US once they have a bit of experience.
Thank you! I get so sick of the teacher's unions playing the underpaid and overworked violins.
The DA`s office doesn`t like to lose cases and they aren`t going to file charges unless they think they have enough evidence to win.
TV and Movies not withstanding, there really aren't that many wrongly arrested people. It is a huge financial liability without the added embarrassment.
In Hooksett, NH, a popular Elementary School and Middle School music teacher has been recently charged with raping his student.

The Superintendent of the school district let the parents know. In addition, the Superintendent states the teacher has been removed until he has his day in court.


Further still...conditions of his bail stipulate that he cannot have any any contact with the victim, or witnesses, or unsupervised contact with minors, other than his own.


Some places do the right thing ;)
I`m a junior high and high school teacher by profession. First of all, most teachers are NOT under paid in the US once they have a bit of experience. But let me get to the point here that`s going to make my brain hemorage out of my nose here. When I get a citation for having a dirty resturaunt it`s published in the newspaper. In small towns, if I get a ticket for littering or DWI it`s placed in the paper. I haven`t been convicted yet, but it`s a matter of public record and it goes into the news.

But if I`m a teacher working with kids day in and day out, the union wants the fact that I`m accused of being a child molester to be kept a big secret until I`ve had my day in court? On the one hand I applaud them for not wanting to rush to judgement......but give me a break! If it`s gone far enough that charges have been filed then the parents have a right to know. And the school district has every right to end my contract whether I`ve been convicted or not. The DA`s office doesn`t like to lose cases and they aren`t going to file charges unless they think they have enough evidence to win.
Consider troubled students targeting a teacher they don't like. I would hate to see an innocent man or woman swept up in an overreaction.
Consider troubled students targeting a teacher they don't like. I would hate to see an innocent man or woman swept up in an overreaction. Sean
You`re right, that could happen. But the news article didn`t talk about teachers who`ve been accused (ie: he said, she said). It said when teachers had been charged and just haven`t gone to trial yet. So we`re talking about a situation where the police have taken statements,investigated, and the DA has either filed charges or in some situations is getting ready to take it to a grand jury. So there`s a paper trail and the courts are getting all their ducks in a row. In a situation like that I`m assuming that most judges wouldn`t let a teacher back in school until it`s decided one way or the other anyway. I know in NYC, there`s actually an office where teachers like this who can`t be in school and are still under contract go every day. They show up and drink coffee, read the paper and chat. Maybe study a foreign language or study for their realestate liscence etc......and they drag out they`re pay checks while their cases are in court. Some are accused of sex with students, some of embezzlement, etc. as long as they show up they can`t be fired, but the district doesn`t dare let them into a classroom. so they collect checks for sitting on their backsides until their contracts run out. some have been going to that office more than 3 1/2 years.

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