Teachers are paid too much...


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
[SIZE=+1](from a letter to the editor of a newspaper)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]"Teachers are paid too much! I'm fed up with teachers and their hefty salaries for only nine months' work.
[SIZE=+1]What we need here is a little perspective.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]If I had my way, I'd pay teachers babysitting wages. That's right --instead of paying the outrageous taxes that go towards teaching salaries, I'd give them $3.00 an hour.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]And I'm only going to pay them for their five hours' classroom time, not planning time. That would be $15.00 a day. Each parent should pay $15.00 a day for these teachers to babysit their children. Even if they have more than one child, it's still cheaper than private daycare.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]Now, how many children do they teach a day -- maybe twenty? That's $15.00 x 20 = $300.00 a day. But remember, they only work 180 days a year! I'm not going to pay them for any vacation time: $300 x 180 = $54,000. (Just a minute, my calculator must need batteries.)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]What will teachers say about those who have ten years of experience and a master's degree? Well, maybe -- just to be fair -- they could get the minimum wage. We can round that off to about $6.00 an hour, times five hours, times twenty children.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+1]$6.00 x 5 x 20. That's $600 a day times 180 days, or $108,000.[/SIZE]
Wait a minute . . . there's something wrong here . . ."[/SIZE]
Yep... I agree... that's the wages the teachers should be paid... nothing wrong with your calculator. Just something wrong with the board of education and whomever it is that decides how much a teacher's salary should be. :D
I agree my wife needs a raise just pay her 6.00 an hour that will be fine per child, at those rates I will go back in teach.
I like that article. The problem is that most parents would want their kids to be taught by the $3 an hour bachelors degree teachers, rather than the $6 an hour masters degree teachers.

In Isaac Newton's time, students paid their teacher by the lecture...unfortunately, he was a great scientist but a poor lecturer!
The people who gripe about schoolteachers' salaries would last two weeks max teaching middle school or older at the average school. We'd hear whining on a level we'd never heard before about the horrible dangerous working conditions, inhuman hours, and lack of appreciation by the parents and taxpayers who rely on schools to give their kids the basic education needed to allow them to function in the world and equip them for the learning tasks they'll face at university.

Lawyers spend at most a couple of hours a week in court. No one blinks at their rates for `billable hours'—certainly not a client in the crosshairs of a major liability lawsuit or worse. But with teachers, all of a sudden it's different.

My own feeling is, teachers should get hazard pay for what they do...
I think you need to focus more on the CEO's who make more money in the time it takes them to go to the bathroom than most everyone makes in the course of a year.
I almost became a high school English teacher.

Thank God I dodged THAT bullet. Just not worth it for me. Somebody I might teach at the college level (at least SOME of the students there are willing to learn something...)

Too many hoops to jump through, pay too low, aggravation too high.

God bless those who are willing to teach our children!

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