Teach me mister


Blue Belt
Mar 18, 2004
Reaction score
London Croydon
Picture the scenario, you are busy training in the dojo, The local hires out during the day for anyone to train, when this kid see's you and asks you to teach her.
Now I an training in Iaido and use bokken and live sword, at this time it is the sword.
The girl cannot be more than 12 years old and is on her own.
A. I am not qualified to teach.
B. A young female on her own I need that kinda trouble.
C. As said I use live sword.

Now my problem how do I say "you what get lost" ina nice way, she would not except my NO and kept pestering me and totally disrupted my attempt to train.

It seems her parents manage the dojo and she was off school for some reason.

What would you have done. Your input please as this may happen again and it is the only local dojo.

I would have told her, "I would love to teach you somthing, but I need to get my instructor's permission first, because if I don't my instructor will stop teaching me. Go ahead and watch for now, and next time I will let you know what he said."
Taimishu said:
Picture the scenario, you are busy training in the dojo, The local hires out during the day for anyone to train, when this kid see's you and asks you to teach her.
Now I an training in Iaido and use bokken and live sword, at this time it is the sword.
The girl cannot be more than 12 years old and is on her own.
A. I am not qualified to teach.
B. A young female on her own I need that kinda trouble.
C. As said I use live sword.

Now my problem how do I say "you what get lost" ina nice way, she would not except my NO and kept pestering me and totally disrupted my attempt to train.

It seems her parents manage the dojo and she was off school for some reason.

What would you have done. Your input please as this may happen again and it is the only local dojo.

Just tell her you are not qualified to teach. Be firm about it. It's like a parent with a kid, "no" means no and not negotiable. Refer her to her parents if they manage the dojo for somebody more qualified to teach her at her level.

You may need to bring up the issue with her parents stressing that you need time for your own training and not be interrupted. They should be the one to deal with her in showing respect for those in training.

- Ceicei
Both good replies to this point. Either way the parents should be spoken with. If you are interested in teaching (and it doesn't sound that way) then get the childrens permission and let the girl know up front what's expected of her. Otherwise, let the parents know that it's a distraction and ask that they speak to her about respecting your time on the mat. Regardless of the training situation most states have an ordinance that will not allow a 12 yr old to be unsupervised. You're not a babysitter and should not be responsible for the dojo managers child.
Thanks good answers.
Jeff I have no problem with instructing,I do that at work when I am working, its just that I have not been in Iaido for long and dont think I am ready or know enough to teach.
My main reason for training is to get fit after 3 MI's and at the present time I am very slow and have bad form if that makes sense.
