Tea Party takes a stand


Lifetime Supporting Member
Yes, those dumb tea party people are taking a stand against the wise, and sophisticated Republican leadership in the house.


From the article.:

These fiscal conservatives, supported by the Tea Party, have been critical of the Republican leadership’s decision not to use the C.R. spending plan as leverage against the Democrats and the White House on the defunding issues, such as the over $105 billion in continuing Obamacare spending, and funding for Planned Parenthood. Conservative critics of Speaker John Boehner (OH) and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (VA) say that failure of the leadership to act now with deep cuts will lead Republicans on the path to becoming the minority once again. In addition, conservatives worry that if Republican leaders are happy with “chump change” spending cuts, as they “compromise” with the Democrats, they will be likely to cave in when discussions begin about the debt ceiling within a couple of weeks.

THere is an embeded video of Mark Levin talking about this issue on his radio show with newly elected and Tea Party supported Marco Rubio, congressman from florida.