Talk about not being aware


Sr. Grandmaster
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I just had my car towed home tonight. I got stopped in the next town to where I live and was informed by the officer that my plates had run out in JULY.

Now I admit I never look at the stupid plate. The registry usual sends out a notice about 6 weeks before the registration is up but I never got one.

I had purchased the car in Jan of 04 and changed the registration over at that time from my old car, and for whatever reason thought that the registration was renewed at that time.

Luckily the officer allowed the car to be towed to my place and not impounded.

By the time I get done missing a days work (I do work weekends) paying the towing fees, then having to go to court and pay a $100 fine , and going to the registry for new plates, this is going to coast me a bundle.

I never said I was observant of my car, heck if it runs I put gas in it and go. So much for knowing my environment.
I can't believe that they wouldn't let you drive home for pete's sake. I wonder if that is the same in Minnesota. I've been known to get the tags and forget to get them on for a month or so. But July was probably the clincher. You know out of sight, out of mind, who looks at their own license plate? TW
In Minnesota you have 10 days from the last day of the month your tabs say. For example, if you had November tabs, at midnight last night, you could be tagged. Then if you still don't have new tabs in 90 days, you can be charged for tax evasion, and the car seized and put in the impound lot. Then you have to show proof of insurance and have the new tabs in hand to be able to get it back.

The good news is that the chances of being charged in court for tax evasion is very slight.:D

So....who's checking their plates tonight?
My wagon hasn't had plates on it in oh, 15 months or so...I keep forgetting to call the junk man to come get it. LOL
Boy that is brutal, the county is in need of money.
Really a good way to get money out of the respectful/honorable middle class.

Regards, Gary
Baytor said:

So....who's checking their plates tonight?

So we have 90 days and THEN they take the car away. No, I was good this year and got my husband to put them on. :D TW
It happens.
Now I don't drive the other car that I have because I know I haven't put plates on it in a year. Trouble is in this town they have a law against haveing unregistered uninspected cars on your property. Well that one is off the street and unless they come on my property they are not able to see the old plats on that one
TigerWoman said:
So we have 90 days and THEN they take the car away. No, I was good this year and got my husband to put them on. :D TW
To the best of my knowledge that is correct. However, your city or county could have their own laws about it, so you may want to double check with them (if you care that much). Now if you have no proof of insurance in Minneapolis, they will tow your car on the spot.
Heck, our local laws are rougher usually. Now they're making the RV'ers put them in the back yard if they store them on their property and put them in a garage or shelter (hide it) and it has to be a cement pad. Trouble is we can't park them on our driveway until April and then we have until Oct.1 to put them in storage again. I know alot of people who use them in March and thru November. But if you don't read the rag of a paper in this town, you won't know anything is different. I wonder how they are going to enforce that one. If they start ticketing, there will be alot of angry people marching down to city hall. TW
mine get renewed with my bday far its my dads gift to me every year he goes stands in the lines pays the money and puts the sticker on and tells me happy bday :D
I love it here in Washington State - you get a reminder or bill about 30 days before your tags expire. You write a check, send it in, they send you your tags, you put them on. Couldn't be any easier.
tshadowchaser said:
I just had my car towed home tonight. I got stopped in the next town to where I live and was informed by the officer that my plates had run out in JULY.

Now I admit I never look at the stupid plate. The registry usual sends out a notice about 6 weeks before the registration is up but I never got one.

I had purchased the car in Jan of 04 and changed the registration over at that time from my old car, and for whatever reason thought that the registration was renewed at that time.

Luckily the officer allowed the car to be towed to my place and not impounded.

By the time I get done missing a days work (I do work weekends) paying the towing fees, then having to go to court and pay a $100 fine , and going to the registry for new plates, this is going to coast me a bundle.

I never said I was observant of my car, heck if it runs I put gas in it and go. So much for knowing my environment.

Umm, I think they call this... uhh, err...what's that word???...
umm, wait! Don't tell me! .....
Respon... n-noo...
it's right there... uhh,
ok, ok, deep breath... .....
here it comes...
Responsibility! That's it... whoo that was a hard one huh?
I know, I'm off topic, but alot of people here are not aware of new rules for RV's etc. Someone's etc., a boat and trailer parked by his house got ticketed-they put it on his door! Apparently all trailers have to also get garaged during the winter. So he went to city council and complained and it was in the paper today--apparently alot of people don't know these new rules, I see them all over the place. The city will make alot of money before people wise up or storm the city. I can see an RV blocking the sightline if its parked on the street but on his own property that's another story. TW