Canadains being Harassed in the USA

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rob_Broad
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My wife has been trying to convince me since friday that I now should go to Amite, a Kenpo campe near New Orleans. That was until we saw the news today, it seems Candians have been having a hard time in the US in the last few days. Canadians crossing the border have been refused gas, had the windows
of their cars smashed, had their cars spray painted, and there has been some minor physical altercations. Last nite she had me pretty convinced that I would go, she was even letting me out of paying my half of the bills for the rest of the month so I would have the cash to do so. Now there is no way in Hell I will be crossing the border for a while. I can't risk the damage to my car or worse someone starting something and me being stuck in an american jail cell for assault charges. Canada has 31 troops in Iraq in exchange programs with Australian and US troops, I am disappointed we do not have all of our military there, but it is not my decision.

Just because people watch CNN does not mean they know what is going on in the world. Our Prime Minister has his reasons for not sending our troops. Do I agree with it? No! Is there anything I can do about it? Yes. I have wrote my member of Parliament and called him several times to voice my concerns. It is pretty pathetic when people decide that because they disagree with another countries choice to not enter a war that they have to be so rude and malicious.

It is pretty bad that I can not attend a training camp because there are a few ignorant people out there that would make travel difficult.
I'm sorry and embarrassed to hear this. I haven't heard anything about that here; my boss is a Canadian citizen and hasn't mentioned anything. When one hears complaints about non-participants in the Iraq war it's overwhelmingly about France and Germany.

I was worried for our Arab students after 9/11. Of course, they left for a while but now are back and all is well.

I think it may not be as bad as you fear, but the charge of xenophobia sticks to Americans, I know.
Yet another case of a few jerk-offs ruining things for someone else. I'm sorry to hear that you won't be attending Rob.

:soapbox: Some people can be so friggin' stupid.
I'm pretty sure I don't need to say this ... but don't judge us all
based on those dorks perpetrating this.
I won't hold it against all Americans. I know it is only a few causing the problems, but it is not worth the hassle of going if there is a chance of vandalism or worse.
Those people are idiots and should be ashamed.

Sadly, its why I took a rental car (with full damage waiver) to Toronto last weekend. Rumors of violent anti-US morons there made me a bit cautious. Thankfully, I had no problems car wise.

Most of these 'protesters' I think have no real clue on the issues, they just like the 'group' thing, and the annonimity a large crowd allows. They are a blemish on those who do protest correctly.
Well when traveling abroad American's pretend they are Canadians, no reason Canadians can't pretend to be American.
Canada has actually had more pro-war rallies in support of the US than in any other country. Yet just because we aren't there serving the Tim Hortons again there is a big stink. Canada is not as rich as the US nor do we have anywhere near as high of a debt, and it costs a lot of money to send troops off to war.
Originally posted by Elfan
Well when traveling abroad American's pretend they are Canadians, no reason Canadians can't pretend to be American.

Whaaat? I never heard of an American pretending to be Canadian abroad. I have travelled to Europe many times and never pretended to be anything.
It is probably more than just protests or Canada not supporting it's sister to the South. I saw on MSNBC when Canada was threatening to deport the American ambassador. This could seriously damage the common man's perception of Canada in general.

In the meantime, don't judge a book by it's cover. I am sure you would be welcome in Texas, we are the "Friendly State". Louisiana eh? Well, think hot & humid, but with a great Mardi Gras and Jazz Fest. You cannot beat the food.

The idea of travelling in a rental car is always a good one. Keeping those miles off your own car is always a good idea if you can afford to. If not there is always AMTRAC or a flight on Southwest Airlines from Chicago (very reasonalbe ... if not cheap at times.)

Sorry your perceptions were so poorly influenced, but make sure you sort out the urban legands from the reality.

Hasn't happened to me, yet, mainly because the TKD association I'm with trained most of the border guards in my region of Canada, but still...

That sucks to hear, Rob. I can understand why you're not willing to get involved in it (especially since I don't have a car to vandalize, so I probably have a lot less to lose).

It's funny how war will polarize people, though. I'm willing to bet there'll be some info published at some point on some illegal activities after the war's all said and done. By which I mean the usual racism-caused rioting or conflicts, or angry "you didn't fight with us" situations. It's already happening on the border, like Rob said, and on both sides of it, mind. It's disgusting. It's like in times of war, the only way to survive the backlash of the "patriotic" and the "dissenters" alike is to join the insanity and hope your side wins.
Originally posted by Jill666
Whaaat? I never heard of an American pretending to be Canadian abroad. I have travelled to Europe many times and never pretended to be anything.

It's been happening more lately. Two people from work just did.
Originally posted by Rob_Broad
Canada has actually had more pro-war rallies in support of the US than in any other country.

Well... if it makes you feel ANY better... (not that it should have to, those people are just proving how uneducated some of us americans can be)

Ive been seeing more and more news coverage of PRO WAR rallys in Canada... HOPEFULLY some of these stupid people will get a clue as they continue to air them...
People from nations whose perceived stance on war in Iraq is known can expect to be harassed when in nations whose perceived stance differs. Why don't we all throw out some blanket accusations and proclaim to all assembled that life is unfair and people are mean?

We all take our chances, particular in "interesting times."
Originally posted by Jill666
Whaaat? I never heard of an American pretending to be Canadian abroad. I have travelled to Europe many times and never pretended to be anything.

I'm not sure how serious people are but its something I hear often as jokeing advice.
I extend my hand to our American brothers and want to let you know that the majority of us Canucks support what is going on in the Middle East. A small group of idiots smashing windows does not change how we feel. I look forward to my next visit to the U.S.A.:cheers: