Taking another look at Black Flag historical claims

Because they have never trained with us, they have never seen or felt HKB's power, and they have never seen or felt GM Lin's abilities. So why are all these people talking?

That's because this is a Wing Chun forum, we really only talk about wing chun here, not lohan fist or 5 ancestor boxing.

Your history is fake, since kung fu is often judged by lineage:

if lineage = fake then
kung fu = fake.

Hope you enjoy your bandit lohan practice.
Dear Mr.Aaron Mckillip,

Thank you for your reply.

Is it possible for you to seperate your sentences?
When you type in a large block format it makes it difficult to read
because of this people tend not to read what you say.

Actually they do add to this discussion. Since everyone wants to say bad things about HKB Eng Chun I wanted to add some good things. Kind of a Yin/Yang of sorts.
Having others act as a testimony only paints things in a negative light. Rather using testimonies as a bases for your defense it is better to use facts to dispute the claims in question.

The large block format testimony comes off as advertising or maybe trolling.

Everyone is trying to discredit us as frauds and all kinds of other things. So I thought I would give people that come to this site to actually learn something, something to read from all the different perspectives of the people who actually train HKB.

You have the right to refute these claims just as the people have the right to question the claims.
If you can use proof to dismiss what others are saying by all means do so.

How can you comment on something that you have never seen or done? That is rediculous!

I never seen a Bear take a Shi* in the woods but I am pretty sure they do. (Sorry for using such a blunt offensive word)

I would like to see anyone from this site tell me what it feels like to get hit by a Yang punch from HKB that is not a HKB member.

Please do not use T3H D3ADLY on this forum. Most people who start using this type of non-sense are not taken seriously. There is plenty of people who have had similar "tough guys" punched them and they do not use it as an example of TH3 D3ADLY SKILLZZ.

How about a touching hands with GM Lin when he is moving in slow motion and you can't even see his hands, much less touch them
Putting your Sifu in to a god-like status turns your point and arguement into a childish my dad can beat your dad squabble.

That is because they cannot talk about our training methods, HKB's power, or GM Lin's abilities. Why? Because they have never trained with us, they have never seen or felt HKB's power, and they have never seen or felt GM Lin's abilities. So why are all these people talking?

By all means answer the questions concerning the lineage and the questions addressed to you. Now this site is much more tolerant and nice then say Bullshido who will glady take the gloves off and who's sole purpose is to to investigate claims and they really like Wing Chun over there.

They are not really saying anything until one of them actually show up to the school and trains with us.
Furthermore why would anyone listen to a bunch of negative people who have no idea what they are talking about and have a chip on their shoulder against another group of people?

I don't have to train with Ashida Kim to know he is full of it.
In fact reading this thread the people who asked the question spent some time formulating them and even posted pictures.

I am not a Wing Chun person so I have nothing to gain either way but as an outside observer you seem like tail tucking the questions and attacking the person with Ad Hominem rather than addressing the issues.

Your style could be the most legit style ever but your method only makes it seem more dubious. Maybe changing your method might result in a better chance of success.
Like it, hate it, think it is legit, or just fantasy, you have to admit that Benny Meng and company are very good at advertising and getting thier product out there.
I am posting this in here too as you BF guys have so many thread going for your ridiculous arguing....

look Aaron, can you not just go back to the other Kung Fu mag forum and ***** and argue over there?

Martialtalk Wing Chun forum is about friendly discussion with a bit of respect and not petty arguing.

Most of us on here have not even met but we have respect for each others lineage and different ways of doing things, the worst it gets on here is agreeing to disagree on a point.

You just go on and on and on like a child.

Why not contribute to some of the active threads if you are on here to participate and not self promote? Go on, I challenge you to go in my elbow energy thread and post what your take/lineage do. You only get out what you put in on MT. And so far you have posted ****.

Getting fed up


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Super Moderator
look Aaron, can you not just go back to the other Kung Fu mag forum and ***** and argue over there?

...If I am remembering correctly, Aaron didn't start this thread, he merely was defending personal attacks towards his Sifu and Gung Fu family.

this bickering has turned into a political fight and personal attacks...It would be nice if we could just stick to facts and discuss it without slander.

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