Taika Oyata Kyusho


Please, keep the conversation polite and RESPECTFUL.

Bob Levine
-MT Moderator-
You First.

Who do you train under etc etc?

You have a lot arts listed, you couldn't possibly trained in all those


So I go first again even though I asked first, ok im not scared to go first you obviously are.

Ive been training since the mid 1970's and yes I have trained in all those arts

Ive listed my arts and some of the instructors I've trained under in those decades the people who criticise me dont list theirs says it all really


if youre not scared tell me

Im 44

Ive been training 30 years or so

Now you and all the other trolls

tell me about you

Those who put oyata over dillman have you trained with both?

Those who deride me who've you trained with and for how long?

Any of you got street experiences I used to be a minder for a travelling dj for instance
And in my younger days used to run with a gang and got in trouble with the law over use of violence not something im proud of now but it is experience most dojo queens dont have?

Now over to you lot?

I will meet or train with any of you in the uk to prove what i say?

A green belt lol

so how long you been training?

How old are you?

Whos this steiner guy?

Come back to the discussion in another 20 years lol


Well, I guess your character is now shown. I simply asked you to elaborate on something you wrote, now you try to insult me and my teacher because I am a green belt. Shame on you, you are a pathetic loser no matter what color cloth keeps your gi closed.

I don't even remember what it was I wanted you to elaborate on anyway. And at this point, I have no interest in anything you have to say.

Theodore's Profile said:
Aikido, Arnis, Balintawak, Bando, BJJ / MMA / Grappling / Wrestling, Boxing, Choy Lay Fut, Eagle Claw, Escrima, Hapkido, Hung Gar, Hwa Rang Do, Iaido / Kendo / Kenjutsu, J.K.D., Judo, Jujutsu, Kajukenbo, Kali, Karate, Kempo / Kenpo, Krav Maga, Kuk Sool Won, Muay Thai, Ninjutsu, Northern Mantis, Southern Mantis, Systema, Tae Kwon Do, Taijiquan, Tang Soo Do, Toshindo

ok well, that speaks volumes. thanks for playing, Mr. Salad Bar.

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Bob Levine
-MT Moderator-

So I go first again even though I asked first, ok im not scared to go first you obviously are.

Ive been training since the mid 1970's and yes I have trained in all those arts

Ive listed my arts and some of the instructors I've trained under in those decades the people who criticise me dont list theirs says it all really


if youre not scared tell me

Im 44

Ive been training 30 years or so

Now you and all the other trolls

tell me about you

Those who put oyata over dillman have you trained with both?

Those who deride me who've you trained with and for how long?

Any of you got street experiences I used to be a minder for a travelling dj for instance
And in my younger days used to run with a gang and got in trouble with the law over use of violence not something im proud of now but it is experience most dojo queens dont have?

Now over to you lot?

I will meet or train with any of you in the uk to prove what i say?


I no longer regularl train in the arts at a school. I'm 33 and over the last 25 years(not consecutively, there are gaps in training) I have done Judo for a total of 6-7 years, American Kenpo for 2.5 years and Ryukyu Kempo(plus learning other things my instructor in that taught) for 7 years reaching 2nd dan. I have also training on an off with a close quarter combatives guy, not for about a year though. Anyway I'm not here to bag other people in here unless they show disrespect first which your post telling someone to come back in 20 years did. Given my instructor in Ryukyu Kempo trained with George Dillman and having met some other high ranking Ryukyu kempo/Dillman based guys and talking with others I have realised the flaws in their way of thinking. One can see the difference in the Dillman way in comparison to Oyata's way and which one is more effective just by looking at these videos.

I highly doubt you have trained to a high level in all of the arts you list as there just would not be enough time in your life(and you are only 44) and if you have only dabbled in those arts then it is kinda wanky to list them all. If I listed every art I had a look at and did a few classes in my list would be huge too

A green belt lol

so how long you been training?

How old are you?

Whos this steiner guy?

Come back to the discussion in another 20 years lol


Uhhhh....from what I have seen in my more than 20 plus years of training is that belts make little difference.
For example I am a student under Mr. Rousselot, a direct student of Mr. Oyata. I have personally seen one of his green belts stomp the living day lights out of one of Rick Clarks 4th dans that had trained longer and had way more rank.
No you're wrong I dont get my knowledge off the net.

Ive trained with a lot of people you wont have heard of and people like George dillman, Vince morris, Leon Jay, Will higginbotham, Russell Stutely, etc in the kyusho field as well as many real world martial artists.

Who have you trained with?


The 4 red names are all Dillman as far as kyusho is concerned (Russell Stutely being dragon society under Rick Moneymaker[one of the most perfectly named individuals] and Tom Muncy who were seminar blackbelts under Dillman) so you are learning the same thing as far as kyusho is concerned as it all came from the same source.

I've attended seminars too but I don't consider myself to have trained with all of the people in the sense that you seem to mean.

I usually stay out of this crap..

About 15 or 16 years ago I met Oyata through a friend. I have met a lot of people who spout bs about the meridians and vital point striking having been raised by and having a background in accupuncture I know how to sort out the BS. Oyata is for real and is one of the few that can make it work. He is actually very fast and hits harder than it appears.

This is from someone who has fought Burmese Boxing in Burma, Muay Thai in Thailand , MMA and sub grappling...the man is a legit badass and in his prime I am sure could have adapted to allmost any sporting comp he wanted to.
On a personal note he is a great guy and very funny. he was also instrumental in my decision to teach the Kachin arts to others.
I usually stay out of this crap..

About 15 or 16 years ago I met Oyata through a friend. I have met a lot of people who spout bs about the meridians and vital point striking having been raised by and having a background in accupuncture I know how to sort out the BS. Oyata is for real and is one of the few that can make it work. He is actually very fast and hits harder than it appears.

This is from someone who has fought Burmese Boxing in Burma, Muay Thai in Thailand , MMA and sub grappling...the man is a legit badass and in his prime I am sure could have adapted to allmost any sporting comp he wanted to.
On a personal note he is a great guy and very funny. he was also instrumental in my decision to teach the Kachin arts to others.

LOL can you show some evidence for those fighting qualifications cause I follow most of those and i've never heard of you LOL

Sam you no longer train lol

you did 6 years in judo :)

And you question my 30 plus years lol

Well as i was warned about challenging any of you to meet me to train with me :)

I guess there is no further we can go we can keep saying who we think is the best but MA's are not an academic discipline if none of you care to train with me well leave it at that.

You can all talk the talk but none of you is prepared to wlk the walk LOL


I am guessing that the LOL is an attempt to insult but I choose not to engage in arguments on the internet.

My website is http://www.thaing.net there is a ton of information up there on me including pics of me fighting. Here is a segment Indis martial arts did on us
and if you check the page out you will see video of my guys fighting Muay Thai, grappling and MMA. Asl about me on MMA.tv a lot of people over there know me and about 10 years ago a match I did was stremed live on the net.

Theodore I have 2 Burmese nationals with recent Burmese Boxing records who escaped to the us and train with us one who fought in MFC.

Please do not take this as a challenge but if you are in the area you are more than welcome to check me out you will find I am who and what I say I am.
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Also pressure points are legal in the UFC in fact Dan Severn tried using them in one after working at seminars on them when he was with Ron Tripp. Also that Parker guy was attempting tp use them
I am not getting in the middle of this, but just wanted to say some things.

Phil, nice website. I enjoyed looking around on it.

Theodore, glad to see you extending an invitation to train. I am always up for learning something new.

Just a thought, if you have not already done so, please go to the meet and greet section and tell us somehting about yourselves.

BTW-I live within a 2 hour drive of the residence of Mr. Oyata, but have not had the opportunity to meet him. One of my instructors knows him in passing. He thinks he is a pretty bad dude, but that is his opinion.

Have a great day.

Sam you no longer train lol

you did 6 years in judo :)

And you question my 30 plus years lol

Well as i was warned about challenging any of you to meet me to train with me :)

I guess there is no further we can go we can keep saying who we think is the best but MA's are not an academic discipline if none of you care to train with me well leave it at that.

You can all talk the talk but none of you is prepared to wlk the walk LOL



Listen champ. It's interesting you took the six years of judo out of all that but if you add it up it is closer to 15 in 3 different arts but who cares. I would never question someone who has studied for 30 years in a few arts but all of the arts you list says to me that you couldn't possibly have a substantial base in all of them or even half of them. It is interesting how you use little lol's and things to try and insult people.

You should read peoples threads more carefully. It's the number of arts not amount of time people are questioning and anyone even a non-martial artist has the right to ask questions. I walked in to one school a while back and point black asked the instructor if he f$%ks his students. He said no and took no offence and we moved on. You shouldn't get so defensive (unless you have reason to) and just answer the questions people ask as it is not a personal attack

You can all talk the talk but none of you is prepared to wlk the walk LOL



It's not that people don't walk the walk it's that people are just asking questions and really don't give a rats *** about whether you are legit to the point of walking into your school and finding out.


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