Why don't you go to one of his seminars? He has them all over the US and I would bet he will have one close to your area.
Regarding Mr. Oyata's skill.
I lived on Okinawa for several years and trained with many of the top karateka there. In all that time I never saw any karateka that could match match Mr. Oyata's skill or knowledge. The man is amazing.
Mr. Oyata's has produced some top notch karateka as well. I presently train with one of them (Mr. Rousselot) here on the mainland of Japan.
Mr. Rousselot has also done and shown me things I never learned or even saw in all my training while in Okinawa. He can hold his own with any of the teachers I met and trained with while in Okinawa.
Mr. Rousselot is a very interesting martial artist to me. When I first met him he seemed like he was a very typical old school karate instructor, no nonsense, hard & serious training. He reminded me, in both looks and demeanor, of a Drill Instructor I had on Paris Island. I came to find out he also does Muay Thai and PRIDE in addition to his Old Style karate. I watched him spar some professional kick boxer once and Mr. Rousselot is fast, very fast. I thought since he was over 40 that he would not do very well against someone about half his age. I soon learned age makes little difference to some people.