Taika Oyata Kyusho

not really a schedule, I wish he did the biggest problem is what I have seen most of his seminars are open only to those within Ryute, I understand why he has done this but it greatly limits the seminars you can attend to see this extraordinary man. I know he has a camp every year in Kansas City I may try to attend that next year, go as a humbled student. I know the main site for Ryute is www.ryute.com
I actually just got off the phone with Mr. Oyata feel very honored to have spoken to him, his annual camp is Oct 19th and 20th that is what he just told me, I am still very happy to have spoken to him a very nice man to speak to
From what I gather from talking to him yes, asked him for seminars that any Martial Artist could go to, I just want the chance to train with this extraodinary man before its to late
I am a new member here.
I was directed to this site by my teacher based on an email he received from one of the members of this forum.

To start off I would like to verify that I am a member of the RyuTe Org. under the auspice of Taika Oyata and am not affiliated with any of the branches run by former students of his that have been terminated from Taika Oyata’s Assoc. for various reasons.
(My teacher warned me that there were several people on this board posing and that have claimed to be directly connected to Taika or have some quasi connection to him via a teacher that was expelled by Taika Oyata. I justed wanted to relay that on this board I am the only directly connected to him as far as I have seen)

I'll tell you why. Firstly the original UFC's had 'no pressure points' in their rules so I'm assuming that still applies. Secondly, the art Oyata practices isn't sport. It can seriously damage someone and has no place in competition.


No, what Taika teaches is not a sport but the UFC has some devastating techniques that can cause serious damage. It’s comparing apples and oranges.

Easy to answer the competition question. Oyata Taika was actually a competitor in whats know as bogu kumite: full contact karate sparring. It has the same gear Kendo does and has the same brutality of Kendo. It is by point, however the points are based on whether or not the oppenant is clearly rocked by the technique executed. Oyata was the champion of the this back in the day, and helped create champions. Its not a type of sparring karateka have here over in america anymore, which is sad. He didn't teach Kyusho to be used in Bogu because of the presisness of the techniques and the protective gear being used, although people have been knocked out by it.

As for the moving lightning fast..lets just say its not about the speed..its more about he was hitting the right place at the right time.

Mr. Oyata won the 1968 All Japan Bogu Kumite Championships in 1968. I think he was almost 40 years old at the time.
Bogu gear is not the same as kendo gear. I have trained in Kendo for over 17 years. Kendo has never rocked my world like bogu does.
Obviously you can’t do kyusho techniques with boxing gloves on but
Bogu kumite hones the power and accuracy needed to execute kyusho techniques at speed under pressure.
well, theodore, your internet skillz are awesome. you have successfully regurgitated the correct videos.

have you ever trained with someone who studied this stuff?

Or do you just form your opinions based on stuff you've read on the internet?

No you're wrong I dont get my knowledge off the net.

Ive trained with a lot of people you wont have heard of and people like George dillman, Vince morris, Leon Jay, Will higginbotham, Russell Stutely, etc in the kyusho field as well as many real world martial artists.

Who have you trained with?

No you're wrong I dont get my knowledge off the net.

Ive trained with a lot of people you wont have heard of and people like George dillman, Vince morris, Leon Jay, Will higginbotham, Russell Stutely, etc in the kyusho field as well as many real world martial artists.

Who have you trained with?


What did you learn from them? Were they all telling you lies?
No you're wrong I dont get my knowledge off the net.

Ive trained with a lot of people you wont have heard of and people like George dillman, Vince morris, Leon Jay, Will higginbotham, Russell Stutely, etc in the kyusho field as well as many real world martial artists.

Who have you trained with?


Leon Jay.....hahahhaa


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Ya gotta love Dillman & his guys.
He has to be one of the most idiotic martial artists today and solely responsible for a group of complete morons perpetuating total garbage.
I wish Icould spend some time with Mr. Oyata and learn from him. He has knowledge that I most certianly do not have
I wish Icould spend some time with Mr. Oyata and learn from him. He has knowledge that I most certianly do not have

Why don't you go to one of his seminars? He has them all over the US and I would bet he will have one close to your area.

Regarding Mr. Oyata's skill.
I lived on Okinawa for several years and trained with many of the top karateka there. In all that time I never saw any karateka that could match match Mr. Oyata's skill or knowledge. The man is amazing.
Mr. Oyata's has produced some top notch karateka as well. I presently train with one of them (Mr. Rousselot) here on the mainland of Japan.
Mr. Rousselot has also done and shown me things I never learned or even saw in all my training while in Okinawa. He can hold his own with any of the teachers I met and trained with while in Okinawa.
Mr. Rousselot is a very interesting martial artist to me. When I first met him he seemed like he was a very typical old school karate instructor, no nonsense, hard & serious training. He reminded me, in both looks and demeanor, of a Drill Instructor I had on Paris Island. I came to find out he also does Muay Thai and PRIDE in addition to his Old Style karate. I watched him spar some professional kick boxer once and Mr. Rousselot is fast, very fast. I thought since he was over 40 that he would not do very well against someone about half his age. I soon learned age makes little difference to some people.
Why don't you go to one of his seminars? He has them all over the US and I would bet he will have one close to your area.

Regarding Mr. Oyata's skill.
I lived on Okinawa for several years and trained with many of the top karateka there. In all that time I never saw any karateka that could match match Mr. Oyata's skill or knowledge. The man is amazing.
Mr. Oyata's has produced some top notch karateka as well. I presently train with one of them (Mr. Rousselot) here on the mainland of Japan.
Mr. Rousselot has also done and shown me things I never learned or even saw in all my training while in Okinawa. He can hold his own with any of the teachers I met and trained with while in Okinawa.
Mr. Rousselot is a very interesting martial artist to me. When I first met him he seemed like he was a very typical old school karate instructor, no nonsense, hard & serious training. He reminded me, in both looks and demeanor, of a Drill Instructor I had on Paris Island. I came to find out he also does Muay Thai and PRIDE in addition to his Old Style karate. I watched him spar some professional kick boxer once and Mr. Rousselot is fast, very fast. I thought since he was over 40 that he would not do very well against someone about half his age. I soon learned age makes little difference to some people.

FYI - Rousselot Sensei is a former MT member. He was banned a while back, but I still really respect him...have even e-mailed him from time to time with questions. Regarding Oyata Sensei, if you can direct me to a schedule of seminars, I would much appreciate it. I have been wanting to go to a seminar near my area for a long time.
FYI - Rousselot Sensei is a former MT member. He was banned a while back, but I still really respect him...have even e-mailed him from time to time with questions. Regarding Oyata Sensei, if you can direct me to a schedule of seminars, I would much appreciate it. I have been wanting to go to a seminar near my area for a long time.

I will ask Mr. Rousselot and see if he has a schedule or knows where to locate one on the internet.
I too would love to get a schedule as I would love to go and learn from one of the greats
as would I
I would aslo like to know when and if Mr. Rousselot will be back in the USA. I would like the chance to meet the man face to face and maybe have tea togeather
I too would love to meet Mr. Rousselot I know we had our differences in the past but I believe we cleared them up though I am not much for tea but I am deffinately up for beer, with him or anyone :)

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