Tai Chi Chuan & Bagua Zhang in Huntington, New York


Master Black Belt

Silk Wind Studio Huntington, NY web: www.silkwindstudio.com

ongoing classes:
* Tai Chi: Sunday 9:30am & Tuesday 8:00pm
* Bagua: Tuesday 7:00pm

Class prices: $14, or $110 for block of 10 classes.

Upcoming Workshops:

* Chin Na Workshop: Friday, 3/13/09 (7:00-9:30pm)
-- the skill of locking your opponent's joints that is very effective with the sensitivity and softness learned through the internal arts such as Tai Chi. * Tai Chi Sword: Friday 4/17/09 (7:00-9:30pm)
-- always fun, challenging, and informative... learn to work with this graceful, yet deadly weapon
* Spinal QiGong: Friday 5/8/09 (7:00-9:30pm)
-- this is a great set for spinal health, resolving back issues, and cultivating internal energy through the spine
* Tai Chi Diagram: Friday 6/12/09 (7:00-9:30pm)
-- this workshop links the philosophies of Yin & Yang with a simple exercise done solo and with a partner

Workshop Prices: $25 in advance, $35 day of workshop.


Bagua 64-Hands Series:
monthly series begins Sunday, 3/29/09 (12:00-2:30pm)
Dates: 3/29, 4/26, 5/31, 6/28, 7/26, 8/30, 9/27, 10/25

Series Price: $200 for 8-part series in advance, or $35 to drop-in for any individual workshop.

Silk Wind Studio
332 East Jericho Turnpike
Huntington Station, NY 11746

Web: www.silkwindstudio.com

Pete Landini
We've moved! Come check out our new space (about 1 mile from the old location) at:

Silk Wind Studio
1 Schwab Rd (at New York Ave)
Melville, NY 11747

Tai Chi Chuan: Sunday 9:30am & Tuesday 8:00pm
Baguazhang: Tuesday 7:00pm

Yoga and Children's Kenpo Karate also available.

Website: www.silkwindstudio.com

Peace & Tao,
Internal Martial Arts are not only Alive & Well... but GROWING on Long Island!

We've added a new Tai Chi class on Wednesday Nights, and
Sunday June 20th will be doing a special Bagua Workshop: Introduction to DEER HORN KNIVES!

Regular Schedule is now:
Tai Chi: Sunday 9:30am, Tuesday 8:00pm, Wednesday 7:15pm
Bagua: Tuesday 7:00pm

Push Hands, Rou Shou, & Martial Applications: First Friday each month 7:00pm

Bagua Workshops: Third Sunday each month 12:00-2:30pm

Silk Wind Studio: 1 Schwab Road, Melville, NY 11747

Peace & Tao,
Pete Landini
hey gang, its been about a year since i've updated this post

Anyone interested in some good Tai Chi & Bagua, look no further! Silk Wind classes have expanded once again, with a de facto "Beginner Class" Thursday nights at 7pm. Our Student base consists of several experience, black belt and instructor level students of other arts such as Jujitsu, Wing Chun, Aikido, Ishinryu, and several flavors of Kenpo Karate. We have equal number of students with no prior martial experience, including men and women of ages ranging from mid-20's to early-60's.

Check out the website for updates, special events, workshops, and other goodies...

Regular Schedule is now:
Tai Chi: Sunday 9:30am, Tuesday 8:00pm, Thursday 7:00pm (beginner class)
Bagua: Sunday 8:30am, Tuesday 7:00pm

Bagua Workshops: Third Sunday each month will resume in September, see website for details.
Tai Chi Workshops: To be scheduled one Friday night each month beginning in September, see website for details

Silk Wind Studio: 1 Schwab Road, Melville, NY 11747

Peace & Tao,
Pete Landini

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