Hey Long Islanders: Any interest in learning Bagua?


Master Black Belt
Hey Long Islanders:

I will be teaching an introductory series in Baguazhang as 4 monthly workshops in Huntington, NY. The workshops will be from 7:00 - 9:30pm on the second Friday of each month (4/11, 5/9, 6/13, & 7/11). The series will cover Basic Circle Walking, 2-person drills, and the 8 Palm Changes of Lao Ba Zhang (Old Eight Palms).

The cost is $110 for the series (10 hours of instruction), or $35 per workshop for 'drop ins'.

Based on the turnout and student interest, additional sessions or a weekly class will be considered in the fall.

For more information, go to our web site www.silkwindstudio.com

We had a great time and good turnout for our first session last week.

** Next workshop, May 9th: Wind and Thunder palms.

For more information and contact info, visit our web site: www.silkwindstudio.com

Ba Gua is catching on! Good mix of returning students and newcomers, experienced martial artists, instructors of other styles, and novices alike. Some looking to begin Bagua training in earnest, others looking for ideas to enhance their primary style... whatever your story may be, there is something for everyone, learning and training in a supportive, fun, yet challenging environment.

** Next workshop, June 13th: Fire and Water palms.

Just to publicly answer some questions I've already been asked privately:
yes, newcomers are welcome to begin at any time, including 6/13 workshop.
no, experience in another martial style is not necessary.
yes, there is ample time for the practice of martial applications in addition to learning the form and exploring the energetic qualities of each change matrix.
style: this set comes down through the Cheng Ting Hua style of Baguazhang, as taught by Jiang Rong Qiao

For more information and contact info, visit our web site: www.silkwindstudio.com

4th workshop (in the series of 4) Friday, July 11, 2008 (7:00-9:30pm).

Newcomers welcome! the series has been well attended and will continue in the Fall.
Any questions, PM me or go to website below.
I can't make Friday, and didn't see this earlier, but I'd be very interested if you do some more of these in the fall :D
Jim, sorry you missed Friday's session. We are definitely going to resume the Bagua series in September. If you email me, silkwind@optonline.net I can put you on distribution for future announcements, otherwise just check the website (below) periodically... Pete.
Still time to register for this Friday - December 12th Workshop
"Fire & Water Palm Changes"

All levels welcome - including newcomers!

Website: www.silkwindstudio.com for more info and to register.
