Okay, this is a service to all:
If you wish to debate sport vs. art in TKD, here is a thread to do just that. It will even come up in the search: taekwondo sport vs. art. Please stop making every thread about sport versus art!!!!
I will even kick it off:
The art and sport of taekwondo compliment eachother. Even WTF sport, which is fairly divorced from the rest of the art still contributes in a postitive way to the development of the taekwondoin.
The art is taken as a whole, with sport being but one aspect of it.
There you are, the most despised thing that one can do in a debate: offer a moderate opinion.
Now have at and obey the forum rules.
If you wish to debate sport vs. art in TKD, here is a thread to do just that. It will even come up in the search: taekwondo sport vs. art. Please stop making every thread about sport versus art!!!!
I will even kick it off:
The art and sport of taekwondo compliment eachother. Even WTF sport, which is fairly divorced from the rest of the art still contributes in a postitive way to the development of the taekwondoin.
The art is taken as a whole, with sport being but one aspect of it.
There you are, the most despised thing that one can do in a debate: offer a moderate opinion.
Now have at and obey the forum rules.