Taebo Feedback

i admit it's not for everyone, but i do think it does a world of good for martial artists.

it not a self defense video as much as it is a cardio workout. i sweat like a pig when i workout with taebo.
for me it works real well and it helps me stay in shape. it's better than sitting on he coutch doing remote control wrist curls...LOL
I agree that the tapes are not good for learning self-defense. Perhaps if Tae bo is advertised as a self-defense, there might be something more at BB's gym where he teaches TB. I don't know, I'm just trying to give the guy credit because I admire who he is. It's also good to remember that the marketing company that markets these fitness tapes are not BB.
The marketing as self-defense thing really bothers me. If they stopped this, I would have no problem with Tae-Bo. Anything that makes getting into shape fun, I'm all for. Lately, I found some people here at work who are into Tae-Bo, and I'm working on bringing them to the light. At least now they have no doubts about Tae-Bo's self defense ability...
as far as using the tapes for getting in shape. they really do work. as for self defense, nope.

it is a great way to stay in shape and involve some kicks and punches. i'm not a die hard BB fan but i do think he has invented something good here.
I saw a Dilman Article in BB showing how to use Cardio Karate for self Defense...before I say I did, I'll look it up at the library next time I'm in that area of town
I hate taebo. Its a good work out i guess. But the claims it makes make me want to go flip out and kill people like a ninja would err something. Sorry couldnt resist the whole flipping out like a ninja thing but it does annoy me for the self defense claims. I guess taebo is a mixed blessing.
Tae Bo is good for exercise and I actually have a video and it's pretty darn tough. I don't particularly pay attention to any other claims. I use it only for a supplement to my work out regimen.
I teach a fitness kickboxing class and although not targeted specifically for self defense, I can see and sometimes apply a lot of self-defense stuff in the workout. My class is primarily against a heavy bag with boxing gloves. Punching and kicking to the bag gives them an experience of actually striking something and teaches them how their body moves for combinations, distancing, and the like. In the basic class, they don't get much more self-defense than that, but that's something.

For more of a self-defense flair, sometimes we take the gloves off and do heel-palm strikes, slaps, and elbows to the heavy bag and do knees to hand pads. All at a fast pace to keep the heart rate high in the cardio range.

I follow a lot of the same routine in my self defense class, to get the blood flowing and to show them how to link moves together for a blitz effect.

Just about everything related to striking arts has some form of self-defense in it, so students can learn *something* from it. It's not self-defense oriented, so advertising that specifically is very misleading, but a lot can still be leared from it.

I have started the TaeBo series tapes myself....and beyond all the Self Defense stuff it claims or what not... my intentions is to get in shape burn calories, and work on my cardio, stamina etc....

And I have to say it does just that... I have seen a tremendous amount of results within my own cardio and stamina. I've lost a few pounds, but I think the weight will come off quicker once I get myself in better shape. But I see it as a great workout as well.

The one thing I like the most about it, is how motivated it gets me and makes me want to excersise, because if I had to do it all on my own, I would never make that move.

I say its worth it for those that need to motivate themselves and do a private workout in their own home, that would never be caught dead in public doing something like this.