Tae Kwon NUN or NUN Kwon Do

I thought this was a pretty good story. Why was this put in the "Horror Stories" section? :idunno:

On page 2 of that website linked above, it says:

Shortly after their arrival, they began to study the martial arts. The thought of using it on the streets to protect themselves was not the reason they began training. It was purely for exercise and recreation. One of the sister's, Mary Chantel, had earned a black belt in judo before entering the convent. She was eager to resume the sport and found a place for all of them to work out. Ironically, it was located in Hell's Kitchen. "Even though we study the martial arts, it does not in any way take away from our religious calling," says Sister Marie Francesca. "Our committment to make a difference to those in need always comes first."

- Ceicei
Admin note: Thread moved to Tae Kwon Do. G Ketchmark / shesulsa, MT Assist. Admin.