光 - light, brilliant, shine
世 - life, age, generation, era, world, lifetime
作 - make, work, compose, write, act, perform
Running the three characters together through Google Translate comes up with "light for the world". I'd note that Google Translate is only partially reliable. I've used it to try to translate the Korean names of our hapkido techniques (which are basically explanations of what the technique does), and more often than not come up with gibberish.
Below is what is on the Tsuba (hand guard) - right???
豊臣秀 plus one other symbol that I have nto found yet.
Feng Chen Xiu - this could well be somebody's name. The first character is a variation of the surname Feng. The second and third characters have individual meanings on their own, but you'd need to find somebody who understands Chinese to know for sure whether it's somebody's name or a phrase of some sort.
Could you contact the vendor who you bought the sword from for help?