I've been in Tang Soo Do about 9 years always under an instructor who has always just played class by ear. He doesn't have specific things he does, just depends on how many are there that night and his mood. I'm not discounting this in any way, as classes are always interesting, we get thru all of the usual stuff (our organizations forms,one steps hands/feet, self defense) every month. I find I even do it myself now that I'm required to teach. (as a Cho Dan). I never seem to have an issue coming up with something for them to do.. (I can always resort to forms/one steps/marching)
I'm just curious what percentage of instructors have a very exact plan layed out before a class or if you just wing it as well depending on who's in class, the "feel" of the room etc.
I'm just curious what percentage of instructors have a very exact plan layed out before a class or if you just wing it as well depending on who's in class, the "feel" of the room etc.