swords or nunchuks

Originally posted by lonekimono
Hey Mike i like to use a nice BIG corked BAT what do you think:D

I am SOOOOOOsa sorry it resorted to that :D
I know what you mean, he will be ok:)
but i would use it if i had to, hunter you are a mad man:D ,if you get to come to NEW JERSEY please come to my school and we can have some fun, i can use you in the teq line with the other guys:asian: :asian:
I would say go for the sword. I've been using both weapons for years, I started with the nunchaku over a decade ago, and the sword about 7 years ago. There are still some "tricks" with the nunchaku that I will not attempt. I've witnessed WAY TOO MANY "accidents" happen. The nunchaku are a beautiful weapon for demos but VERY dangerous. The sword on the other hand is also very nice, but easier to control. Go for the sword first, it will probably take you years to truly master the nunchaku.

Originally posted by lonekimono
Hey Mike i like to use a nice BIG corked BAT what do you think:D


Hey I still got my bat in the front hall- no cork though. Intruders beware. :D
Unless there is another benefit from sword training other than personal self defense, I don't understand the reason to study it since we are not a society that carries swords at our side any longer. The same can be said for the chuks also. I have trained with the Nunchukas as part of my RyuKyu Kempo training but prefer Tanbo (Short Sticks). The reason is that in a real situation the likely hood of having something at your disposal to be used as a weapon in the street is much more likely than finding a sword or two sticks on a rope lying around. I know there are traditional reasons for studying these ancient weapons and I don't dispute those who wish to train in them I'm only suggesting that you fully understand why you want to train with a particular weapon and what outcome you desire from it.
I began working with nunchaku at around age 12, another Bruce Lee thing. Had knots on my head til I was 15!! By the time I got around to formal MA training I was already pretty good with them. Then I tried out a bokken and then on to katana. In Va you may as well carry a sword on your hip as nunchuku in your pocket. You'd get in less trouble for carrying a handgun w/o a permit so training with either weapon is more about just training than practical self defence. I gotta say that the katana put me into a complete different place. The mindset is just one that I can't explain. If you intend to try to let the katana training carry over for self defense then I'd think that it would translate moderately well to a cane which is legal everywhere.

p.s. Rachel, glad to still see you hanging in there and even to be getting deeper into your training.
Thank you for your help,everyone!:) My teacher had a nunchuk seminar tonight. My 9 year old daughter went to the kids class and I went to the adult class. There were 3 of us in the adult class. Perfect size class if you ask me.;) Anyway, I loved it and will do it again. Also, Sensi will be teaching bo staff next week I believe. I think I'll try that too. I asked him about swords already and he's willing to do a class for that too.I'm really immersing myself in this. He said I can help him with the kids classes and I'm currently reading "Living the martial way".I can't imagine life without martial arts. What took me so long?
Well, I took all 3 seminars. Nunchuks, bo staff and swords. I like them all but the sword is so great. I'm definetly staying with swords. Maybe at our demo next year I can do a sword thing. It's something to shoot for and I have a whole year to learn and immerse myself in it. When my teacher asked if we had any questions I asked when he would have a sword seminar again. He will very soon.:)
I don't do Nunhucks, they never felt right to me.
Swords , now that is another story. I enjoy the feel of a sword, its balance, smoothness of motion, and the way the air sounds when one is used.
Also sword motions can be translated to a walking stick (cane)

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