Suggestion Box

Originally posted by RCastillo
Appoint KenpoTess as the ONLY official spokesperson for the IKKO on this forum.
She's the only one that can keep Law, and Order in the Kenpo Threads!:)

Who would dare mess with the "Queen of Pain!":anic:

Yeah ........

Here is a good one, have a sound or a noise go off when someone enters the chatroom. That way if there is no one there you can wait and do something else in another session and then when someone enters the chatroom it will alert you.
That's an interesting idea. I don't know if it's workable. The chat software may be changing soon to something more sophisticated.
Yes I was going to mention that something to tell you that people have posted on the chat would be kewl. I sometimes miss people if I leave the window open to surf elsewhere.

Not that there's been anyone there for the past few weeks. Very quiet.

Get rid of the thread one uses it and when they do they usually do it as a joke and give it like a 1.......Getting rid of it would make way for other things and make the page more spacious...Actually I cant think of a good reason for it......but it does mean that most threads just have a blank space because no one rates them....Spreads out the page more. :asian:
I would definately like to see more smilies. I always am looking for new ones. I enjoy watching some of them. I'd maybe like to see some more dueling smilies...and I'm always up for the ones with humor. I love watching them. I just think you could maybe add some more. If not, I'm cool with the ones that are here!
Well, we might consider it if you'd show up more often....those 6 day vacations just ruin it for ya....

I got a idea! Make a new section for martial arts in the news....
Originally posted by J-kid
Here is a good one, have a sound or a noise go off when someone enters the chatroom. That way if there is no one there you can wait and do something else in another session and then when someone enters the chatroom it will alert you.

Its not too hard to do, but the logistics involved say no.

It would add to the data needing to be transfered. (Small but it adds up fast)

A way for a member to turn it off would have to be hacked in to the software.

Half the folks won't look to turn it off and just will get annoyed at the sound.
Originally posted by Master of Blades
Get rid of the thread one uses it and when they do they usually do it as a joke and give it like a 1.......Getting rid of it would make way for other things and make the page more spacious...Actually I cant think of a good reason for it......but it does mean that most threads just have a blank space because no one rates them....Spreads out the page more. :asian:

Once we switch to the new version of the software (later this year maybe) I'll look into removing it.
Originally posted by KenpoGirl
Yes I was going to mention that something to tell you that people have posted on the chat would be kewl. I sometimes miss people if I leave the window open to surf elsewhere.

Not that there's been anyone there for the past few weeks. Very quiet.


I think :confused: the software we are testing allows for some form of 'new message' notification, but please dont hold me to it.
Originally posted by IsshinryuKarateGirl
I would definately like to see more smilies. I always am looking for new ones. I enjoy watching some of them. I'd maybe like to see some more dueling smilies...and I'm always up for the ones with humor. I love watching them. I just think you could maybe add some more. If not, I'm cool with the ones that are here!

I'm very slowly adding in new ones. I've got well over 1000 in my library, its just that so many are redundant.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Well, we might consider it if you'd show up more often....those 6 day vacations just ruin it for ya....


Lol, I just went away to the country with 5 of my mates for the week, get away from it all before my GCSE results come through on Thursday you know. Thats the reason for my 6 day vacations :p On the other hand give it two more weeks and then I will be back on all the time cuz of school :D
I just jumped in here because someone with no info in their profile posted something I considered stupid.

While I don't want to limit free speech, this type of stuff has kept me away from the boards recently. I think.

So whatever you can do to encourage people to fill out their profiles would be extra cool in my opinion. I mean, the internet is impersonal enough without having to consider opinions of people who you don't know anything about. You know, male, female, name, age, area of the country they are from, nationality...

The Emperor Augustus thought that making everyone get married would help stabalize the Empire. He was right. I think making everyone populate their profile (accurately) would greatly enhance the quality of our "MartialTalk."

But I realize that this may be an impractical and overly-restrictive suggestion. It is, however, a suggestion so now it is in the Box. I didn't read through all this to see whoelse has said something similar. If I'm being redundant, then just put this down as a Vote in Favor. Aye.
