Suggestion Box

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
Many people have mentioned theyve felt a 'change' here. Others have made suggestions for changes, features or additions.

Well, heres the spot to put them all together.

Got ides on how we can improve MT? Post em here.

just my thoughts here.... perhaps the suggestion box would receive a greater response if it were relocated to the General category. Not all of us check the locker room frequently. It can't hurt to try, at least.
Appoint KenpoTess as the ONLY official spokesperson for the IKKO on this forum.
She's the only one that can keep Law, and Order in the Kenpo Threads!:)

Who would dare mess with the "Queen of Pain!":anic:
...and how will the GoldenOne feel about that Ricardo. Trying to start an internal strife in the IKKO and lure her to the Tracy side of the Art. Shameless .... not to mention DANGEROUS. Texas is big, but not that big if the GoldenOne or Seig goes on a Ricardo hunt.

Can you say snipe.

Originally posted by Michael Billings
...and how will the GoldenOne feel about that Ricardo. Trying to start an internal strife in the IKKO and lure her to the Tracy side of the Art. Shameless .... not to mention DANGEROUS. Texas is big, but not that big if the GoldenOne or Seig goes on a Ricardo hunt.

Can you say snipe.


Sad, but true...
Well, the Dragon's on the road so much, he's hardly on a computer, and Seig, well, he likes to hunt, so.......I stay moving so as not to be a sitting duck. I could go to Austin, and get lost there, as I 'd get lost there anyway!:)
Originally posted by Michael Billings
...and how will the GoldenOne feel about that Ricardo. Trying to start an internal strife in the IKKO and lure her to the Tracy side of the Art. Shameless .... not to mention DANGEROUS. Texas is big, but not that big if the GoldenOne or Seig goes on a Ricardo hunt.

Can you say snipe.

Bah, we left the Tracy side of the art a few years ago. A ricardo hunt????hmmmmmm
Admin. Note

Please keep to the topic of this thread.

Thank you,

-MT Admin.-
General Weapons Thread - For weapons other than the sword, knife, and firearms.
possibly eliminating alot of non frequently visited forums, it takes forever to get on here and go through every forum to check for replies (and not everyone wants 20 million e-mails a day saying that a new reply has been issued) i like to check this site at the library, school, or friends houses when i am not at home and it becomes somewhat of an inconvenience to spend an hour on soomeone elses computer searching through all the forums.
Originally posted by andurilking2
possibly eliminating alot of non frequently visited forums, it takes forever to get on here and go through every forum to check for replies (and not everyone wants 20 million e-mails a day saying that a new reply has been issued) i like to check this site at the library, school, or friends houses when i am not at home and it becomes somewhat of an inconvenience to spend an hour on soomeone elses computer searching through all the forums.

You can turn off the 'new reply' notifications.

Also, rather than go through the forums 1 by 1, use the 'new posts' link off the main page. (I'm eventually adding it to every page to save backtracking.

We constantly evaluate forums for viability. We've found that every current forum is hit at least a few times a month, making it harder to pinpoint the inactives.

Also, if you are just skimming thru, look to the left. The icons by the forum names indicate if new replies have been entered since your last visit.

Originally posted by RCastillo
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I was gonna say that!


The positions $5,000 a year. I'll take visa or Mastercard. :D

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

The positions $5,000 a year. I'll take visa or Mastercard. :D


Wow, Organized crime has hit a new low!:eek:

I suppose J Denz is your "collector?"
Originally posted by RCastillo
Wow, Organized crime has hit a new low!:eek:

I suppose J Denz is your "collector?"

Naw. We send Renegade around when he's in the neighborhood.

We had to execute the last admin-trainee...he insisted on paying in yen. 5,000 yen barely puts gas in my wagon for the week. :)

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Naw. We send Renegade around when he's in the neighborhood.

We had to execute the last admin-trainee...he insisted on paying in yen. 5,000 yen barely puts gas in my wagon for the week. :)


Ahem Kaith,

I promised I would pay in YEN. :D

I guess I blew my chance :(

oh wait I Am actually happy about that :rofl: :cool:

Could Not Resist
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Ahem Kaith,

I promised I would pay in YEN. :D

I guess I blew my chance :(

oh wait I Am actually happy about that :rofl: :cool:

Could Not resist

Thats' it, send out the Hit Squad!:samurai:
I tried to beat it outta Rich last May.

We have the epic battle on tape.

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
I tried to beat it outta Rich last May.

We have the epic battle on tape.


Cool, Can I see it in July when I am out there for the Symposium?:D
I'll be in Toronto that weekend. I'll try and remember to run ya off a copy though.