Studying MA via DVD question...

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I have a friend (no, really) in northern NY State (Adirondack Mountains) who asked me to post a question...

There are no MA schools anywhere near him. I was talking with him about my search for a good school... He also wants to study MA and has seen ads in magazines for DVD's, books, even DVD distance courses with belt tests (this was news to me since I haven't subscribed to a MA mag in 10 years). Given his situation, is there anything that anyone knows of that you think might be an OK substitute for classes. He knows it won't be as good as being taught... He has read a lot about different styles. He is more interested in Kenpo or some Japanese styles. He's not interested in Grappling or kickboxing styles. (I asked him how anyone could study grappling alone anyway. He said he'd have to go find a black bear in the woods. Knowing him, he might be serious).

I have known Jay since high school. I think he has the determination to stick with it. Me, I could never do it. I need a school and instructor kicking my butt if I don't show up or practice enough :-)

No doubt, many of your answers will begin with why he shouldn't distance study... But remember his situation. I don't think he has another choice except to not learn MA.

Thanks for the input.


P.S. I have narrowed my own search to to MA schools. One TKD (the form I studied 10 yrs ago, and one Kenpo (Tracy). I really like both schools. The TKD instructor was trained by Bob Chaney. The Kenpo school has great times but costs 40% more. Both were really solid. The TKD school even openly recommended other schools to look at that he believes are good and ones to avoid - very cool.
Studying by DVD is not very fruitful. Without a training partner, it's hard to imagine having much success. Is there anything near him? A boxing gym, a fencing club? A college club that might let him in?

Failing that, he'd be best off traveling once/month to Syracuse or somewhere like that for training and practicing at home in-between, or finding an art that is taught seminar-style and attending the seminars. Then, DVDs could be a useful memory prompt for what he is to be practicing!

I really can't recommend any DVD for someone with no previous or current training, no access to an instructor, and no training partner. If pressed, I'd suggest a Tai Chi DVD.
arnisador said:
Is there anything near him? A boxing gym, a fencing club? A college club that might let him in?

Failing that, he'd be best off traveling once/month to Syracuse or somewhere like that for training and practicing at home in-between, or finding an art that is taught seminar-style and attending the seminars.

Nope... Nothing nearby. The closest town is 25 minutes and it's only a couple hundred people. We are talking in the woods.

I am not familiar with arts taught "Seminar-style". He might be able to travel to Albany or Syracuse once in a while for something like that. How would he find out about it? Are there particular arts taught that way or is it just a way that some instructors teach.

Andrew Green said:
He's going to at least need training partners.

Since I won't talk to him until next week, let's assume he can find a buddy to train with.
You are not going to get too much out of video tapes, in my opinion, so if that is his last resort, then just make sure he dont pay too much for them. Seems like your friend is really out of options there.

As far as yourself, I am happy that you have found two good schools. Try to choose the school that best suits your needs, and stick with it, good luck.
jcraigking said:
Since I won't talk to him until next week, let's assume he can find a buddy to train with.

If he's near the middle of the VT border, I'll drive over and smack him about a bit. Anybody with such a silly name deserves a good hit. (It's mine too, don't you know!)


I understand about being in the woods. But I'm also sure that if he looked a little harder he'd find out that there's more available than he thinks. I also think that if he was so inclined he'd already be travelling further to get the kind of instruction he wants.

As a last resort, I'd be willing to introduce him to some of my video library . . . when I get it back off my ex-wife. Let me know. I'm in Middlebury ATM and moving further West every day it seems.
How close is the nearest larger city where there may be something? I used to travel 90 miles each way, twice a week (in the snow, up hill both ways, against the wind, barefooted, etc.) to train. If he wants it bad enough, he'll find a way to get there.

Also, there might be someone closer who has had some training and might be pretty good, but doesn't run a commercial school. Sometimes these arrangements can be the best way to learn. Tell him to look under every rock and in every cave.

If he finally settles on some DVDs, while I don't recommend it, at least avoid the long distance blackbelt programs. In my opinion, that is taking the scam to the next level.