Student belts given tonight!


El Conquistador nim!
MT Mentor
MTS Alumni
Tonight, I have a new crop of 6th through 9th gups. That is absolutely my favorite part of Taekwondo. Putting on belts for students after they test.

BB's from our sister school drove 210 miles to help with the test. The had a lot of complimentary things to say about my students. The techniques, attitude & respect my students showed stood out most in the master instructor's mind.

Remind me next time I gripe about the stuff I don't like about this Art that this is one thing that is worth every minute.
BB's from our sister school drove 210 miles to help with the test.

This is all that I need to read, right here! I like to hear that branch schools will keep in touch like this! I have no doubt that there was good TKD there at the testing, with this kind of attitude. Good for You and Your School, Sir!
Great Job Icemanm your sidter school showed alot of respect by coming.
Tonight, I have a new crop of 6th through 9th gups. That is absolutely my favorite part of Taekwondo. Putting on belts for students after they test.

BB's from our sister school drove 210 miles to help with the test. The had a lot of complimentary things to say about my students. The techniques, attitude & respect my students showed stood out most in the master instructor's mind.

Remind me next time I gripe about the stuff I don't like about this Art that this is one thing that is worth every minute.

Sounds great, especially the part about the students' attitude and respect standing out :D I think that would be especially sweet to hear. The great days are definitely for cherishing!

Congratulations to you and all your students!


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