By this logic, it was the right precaution to round up the Japanese into internment camps in WW2. All our families were alice and well. So it was a good precaution to take.
There was a time in various parts of the world where people were sacrificed to the gods. Everyone else lived and had food to eat, so it was a good precaution to take.
The bad thing you feared didn't happen, therefore the cost doesn't matter to you. But what if it wouldn't have happened anyway?
No, what you are saying here is senseless and has no bearing whatsoever to what Jerry said.
Here is the truth: Covid-19 is a real disease. So far we have well over 2 million confirmed cases in the US. In addition, we have over 115,000 confirmed deaths from Covid-19. Neither of these numbers are in dispute. However, due to a lack of systematic testing and early unknowns, both of these numbers are likely to be less than the true numbers.
So, people are getting sick and some of them are dying. Granted it is a small percentage, but the real numbers are adding up quickly.
We are currently, right now, seeing significant spikes in these numbers in several parts of the country. And it isn’t just that case numbers are increasing due to more testing. We are actually seeing hospital cases going up as well, and in some areas the hospitals are getting concerned that they will not be able to handle the caseload if the trends continue.
The timing of the current spike coincides perfectly with what was anticipated from the economic reopening, if people failed to act responsibly and disregarded social distancing and wearing masks. Well, that is exactly what people did. Many people out there failed to act responsibly and disregarded social distancing and stopped wearing masks. They just decided they were bored with it all and couldn’t be bothered anymore. So here we are.
And now we have had three weeks of social unrest (absolutely justifiable and something I am completely in support of) but the result is that huge huge huge crowds of people were and are still being brought together into close proximity, many of whom are not wearing masks, many of whom are shouting and chanting and singing and running and breathing hard and coughing and spitting and spluttering from tear gas, and we can expect to see the spike grow even bigger and faster in the near future.
We have a choice, and the economy will continue to suffer either way. We can limit opening and take precautions to control the spread of the virus and do what we can to limit the number of deaths, or we can just reopen and let the virus spread and let lots of people die, which will destroy the economy also.
Literally the only source of information that is telling us that Covid-19 is under control and everything is awesome, is Donald trump. Nobody who actually knows anything at all about this is giving a similar message.
This is not difficult to understand. You take precautions to avoid the catastrophe. When the catastrophe doesn’t happen, it is BECAUSE of the precautions. You don’t conclude that since the catastrophe didn’t happen, the precautions were a waste. If someone is shooting at you and you duck for cover and don’t get hit, you don’t conclude that ducking for cover was a mistake. Covid-19 is still shooting at us. We need to keep ducking for cover. We are not in the clear yet, and won’t be for a while even if we die everything right, which of course we won’t do.
This has nothing whatsoever to do with the WWII Internment camps in the US for American citizens of Japanese ancestry.