Several ideas have been thrown out there already in other threads. Ideas that you ignored or didn't pay attention to in order to pick apart one statement.
I agree that things can and should be done. But we can't rush into it. We have to think short term goals AND long term. If not there are severe risks and consequences.
Take prohibition for example. Alcohol is illegal. Should cut down on drunken fights, drunken domestic violence, drunk driving, immoral behavior... Only it didn't do very well in practice. Criminals still had booze, and citizens became criminals who went to other criminals to get it.
It also started a thriving organized crime wave.
It was a short term solution to perceived problems, that had unforseen and long lasting concequences. The gun control legislation is being pushed through with no review, few if any reading it, and no thought to long term issues.
THAT my friend is bad. Logically you can hopefully see that?
I'm not going to sit here and look up all the things that others, and myself, have Listed as alternatives in other threads. But there are many options. Lots of constitutionally acceptable ones. But I would have issues with ANY laws being passed without careful consideration. Even ones that we have suggested.