Any laws you make about guns will only affect the law abiding ordinary citizen. By implementing bans on all or certain types of guns, you disarm the law abiding and arm the criminal. You are making the choice to increase the number of victims, not decrease them because all of the people who use guns to defend themselves will now have to accept being raped, robbed, tortured or murdered by those who choose to break the law and use guns to enforce their will on others. Even if the attacker himself does not use a gun, you are telling the victim, you may only use your empty hands to prevent the attacker from beating you with a baseball bat or slash or stab you with a knife. If you are alone, and their are 2 or more attackers, you must simply do your best to defend yourself, at a disadvantage, especially if they are armed, or simply, quietly submit to them...and hope that they only hurt you a little, or let you their choice, not yours. If you look at the crime stats from the F.B.I. on crimes with knives, and attacks by hands and feet, you are telling other victims, who in the past saved themselves with guns, that they are no longer allowed to stop those attacks with the most effective means of stopping them, and that they must now submit to those attacks, and rely on the police and medical professionals to come to their aid...most likely after their lives have been changed forever.
That is what you do with each gun law you pass...
The theater shootings and the Sandy Hook shootings are rare events...the murder of individuals by criminals with guns and knives and other weapons happen around the country, every day, in vast numbers, far more than the individual mass shootings. You are saying, deny guns to the innocent in order to really do nothing to stop the theater shootings or Sandy Hook and by doing that, you condemn thousands if not tens of thousands of innocent people every year to humiliation, injury and death...and you still won't save the children in the next "Gun Free" zone that we call schools.