Strong on Defense?

still learning

Senior Master
Hello, Please visit the library on "martial arts talk" below and check out the many recommend books by others.

"Strong on Defense" by Stanford Stong. Tells you to always fight back in the first few seconds of a aduction,rape attempt, will not want to be taken to a 2nd place where it will get worst.

He says fighting back is the ONLY answer? ....If you fear getting injury or worst and do not fight back? will become a victim and act like a victim and this will please the attacker who will do more worst things to you!

Read the book!!!! will change the way you THINK?

Also If aducted or being rape? ...get ANGER AND HATED ..towards that person to work for will get more strenght and feel less pain?
Your goal is to get away....FIGHT BACK may get kill or injury any way? ...but aleast you may get a CHANCE TO LIVE?

......Just my thoughts on this book...thumbs UP!.....Aloha
strong on defense is a remarkable book written by a guy who really knows where it's at.

you might also want to check out 'the gift of fear' by gavin debecker.

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