Car broke down, late at night?

still learning

Senior Master
Hello, This happen to my wife and daughter last night near a police station (about one mile away)which is next to a rubbish dump. No street lights, empty brush land all around them. (Main highway) very few cars at this late night.

Lights flashing on the car, NOT one police officer stop to ask he they need help, (they were seen).

I am still reading "Strong on Defense" he mentions stories of how women and teens get aducted and rape, when there car breaks down on the highway at nights. Many times victims are move to a 2nd location.

Lucky, we just got cell phones(three)only two months now. She call and I said "stay in the car, lock you doors, if someone stops, roll the window down a few inches and say help is coming." I was working and had only one more hour left to finish work.

Things turn out OK.

Do you know what to do? Do you train you mind? fight back?

READ! "Strong on Defense" ...those real stories will make you sick and are graffic. may save you life and family too.

Thank-you to Mr Stanford Strong! of this book...I knew what to do because of what you said!.......................things turn out OK.......Aloha
My best geuss would be what you did... though I couldn't say from to much personal experience. Though something my mom does is keep a steak knife under the driver's seat. I'd check the legality of that. Anywho... that gave me a thread idea. I'm going to put it in the self defense section. If you're intrested.

Sweet Brighit Bless your Blade,

I would agree - except that, if circumstances warrant, I wouldn't roll the window down at all.

As a side note for those who don't have cell phones - any cell phone, whether connected to a phone service or not, can still call 911 - so for those who don't have cell service, it is still worth having the phone itself. Old ones will work just fine, and can often be obtained free or for very little money.
This happened to me and I had a cel phone, and the Autoclub. AAA offered to call the state patrol to come out and verify that all would be well and they sent someone out (I guess) but they never showed up while i was there waiting for the AAA guy.
Hello, Remember if you do have a weapon (steak knife)...and she is afraid to use will be taken away by the aductor and use on her!

Many of us who do carry weapons, when the time comes(fear factor -adrenline response kicking in), Can't use them! (afraid too) ...Many people with guns are not able to shoot? some do and can't hit a thing.

The average person does not live in the world of the crimes, wars, getto's, and face really bad people daily. So when your are confronted? ...this becomes a surprise to most of us......YOUR worst nightmares in front of you!

Even if you are frozen with fear....get your mind back on escaping! ..fight back when it presents itself...YOU DO NOT WANT TO GO TO A 2ND LOCATION!!!!

In many cases there will be NO SECOND CHANCES. Fight back or DIE! ....sounds terrible to say.....The bad guys do not care about you! .......and when done with you? ....NO witness better ...Aloha
A number of years ago I broke down at night in the WORST imaginable part of town. I didn't have a cell yet (they were still too expensive) so I called AAA from a pay phone. Since I was already attracting attention (not the good kind) from some not nice looking young men, I had AAA pick me up at the police station across the street and we went to the car together. I don't believe that in my circumstance that waiting inside the car would have been safe.
Perhaps i am not the best qualified person to give an opinion here, cause I ve never really been confronted with a situation as such, however, I would think that in some instances and if you are in the middle of nowhere that perhaps waiting inside the car is worse. I mean if you car broke down, and you are young girl in the middle of nowhere, arent you just really setting yourself up. I would get my cell, perhaps get out of the car and hide behind something, provided there are some bushes or something to hide by. I know this sounds crazy but if a rapist or some other sewer spill out there was looking for prey, wouldnt it be a lot easier for them to grab you and just break your car window, after all you are in the middle of nowhere?
evenflow1121 said:
Perhaps i am not the best qualified person to give an opinion here, cause I ve never really been confronted with a situation as such, however, I would think that in some instances and if you are in the middle of nowhere that perhaps waiting inside the car is worse. I mean if you car broke down, and you are young girl in the middle of nowhere, arent you just really setting yourself up. I would get my cell, perhaps get out of the car and hide behind something, provided there are some bushes or something to hide by. I know this sounds crazy but if a rapist or some other sewer spill out there was looking for prey, wouldnt it be a lot easier for them to grab you and just break your car window, after all you are in the middle of nowhere?

In the book "Strong on Defense" He did mention to hide in the bushes as one choice if you decide not to stay in the car. Especially in isolated areas.

Thank-you for sharing that..............Aloha
I would not stay in the car either. Call for help, and stay in the brushes, a little way back.
still learning said:
Hello, This happen to my wife and daughter last night near a police station (about one mile away)which is next to a rubbish dump. No street lights, empty brush land all around them. (Main highway) very few cars at this late night.

Lights flashing on the car, NOT one police officer stop to ask he they need help, (they were seen).

I am still reading "Strong on Defense" he mentions stories of how women and teens get aducted and rape, when there car breaks down on the highway at nights. Many times victims are move to a 2nd location.

Lucky, we just got cell phones(three)only two months now. She call and I said "stay in the car, lock you doors, if someone stops, roll the window down a few inches and say help is coming." I was working and had only one more hour left to finish work.

Things turn out OK.

Do you know what to do? Do you train you mind? fight back?

READ! "Strong on Defense" ...those real stories will make you sick and are graffic. may save you life and family too.

Thank-you to Mr Stanford Strong! of this book...I knew what to do because of what you said!.......................things turn out OK.......Aloha

Well this is not a new subject.

I was about 9 or 10 in the mid 70's, traveling with my Mom and younger brother. We had a flat tire on the Pick Truck. We were hundreds of miles from home on way to visit relatives. I asked why she did not use the CB to call for help. There were issues of people ending up being attacked from such calls.

Well while I was trying to hold the lite for my Mom to jack the truck up, Well a young couple stopped on their way out to dinner to help us with the change of the tire. My mom wanted me in the truck to be safe, I told her I wanted to be outside to watch and to be able to run for help if needed.

The tire was changed, the guy thanked, and we made it to visit the relatives.

Years later, I still stop and return the favor. One women was bringing her son back to his father. She would be late and have problems with custody issues. So, I helped her check out her vehicle. It had over heated. I jumped the fence and went to the nearest house with the little one who wanted to help as well. All in plan site of the broken down vehicle and the mother and her female friend. No one was home. So, I filled up a water pail they had and brought it back to the car. She was low in coolant and also low on oil. I went to my car and got a quart for her, plus the partial I had opened. Told he to stop at the next gas station and get some Anti-freeze and go on from there.

There were other cases as well. It is scary to those involved. but I try to help out when I can.

One of the best ways is to have a plan, of action for these cases. Proper vehicle maintenance is also a good preventative helper. Yet with all of this it is not alway full proof and stuff happens.

Which brings me to the stay in the car or out of the car.

A few years ago a local priest, driving with suspended license for exceeding the number of allowed points, was speeding along pulled onto the shoulder to go around a slower moving car. There was a car broke down and a guy working on the tire. The priest swerved to avoid the guy and the car, and drove up onto the express embankment. This is where he ran over the wife and kids of the guy working on the car.

Afterwards there were lots of arguements on which is the best palce for people. Standing on the side of the road or in the car? If the vehicle is off the road, and out of traffic I would tell people to stay in the car and belted in and face forward. I know boring for those inside. But a vehicle is designed to crumple and absorb the energy of impact. The seat is designed to support. Yet, if they could get off the road completely and get behind a structure a large tree or large group of trees, I could see this as well as taking precuations.

So, I would have to review the situation and make the best choice from the data at hand.

I am glad all turned out well though.
Hello, I agree on this part, No matter how safe you try to be, or where your family should stand or stay put at....we will never be able to protect them from careless people.

There can be NO solid rules of what to do in case you car breaks down. No two situtions will be the must trust your instincts, awareness, be on guard when people do stop.

If being aducted...rule one: fight back, rule two: fight back, rule three: take the eyes can always give them back.......Aloha
I have personally never been the kind of person to sit arround and just wait for help. If I get a flat, I change it. If my car overheats, I figure something out. I don't generally trust strangers, but if I need water for my car, and they have it, I accept the help. I do have rules though, and one of them is that I have to remember that I don't have to accept help from any one who pulls up. People generally understand. I also like to flag down more than one car. I feel there is safety in numbers.
lenatoi said:
I have personally never been the kind of person to sit arround and just wait for help. If I get a flat, I change it. If my car overheats, I figure something out. I don't generally trust strangers, but if I need water for my car, and they have it, I accept the help. I do have rules though, and one of them is that I have to remember that I don't have to accept help from any one who pulls up. People generally understand. I also like to flag down more than one car. I feel there is safety in numbers.

Hello, There are alot of good people who will help you....this is something we can all agree on.

On a road with few cars,or a night stranded by yourself ...the bad guys who patrol these streets/roads....are looking for victims! (when you become a victim and act like a victim...he has you where he wants you).

Read : The Gift of Fear, Strong on will change your thinking a has for us...because we share the stories from these books and what to do with our students, many of them are girls in high schools.

No one can prevent breaks down of our cars, or walking from work to the parking areas, or unexpected guest (intruders) in our homes....we can only ...choose to fight back....or let them have us.

Awareness of possiblilties of attacks....will prepare you a little the same time...we must use common sense here. We need to live a normal life too. Just my thoughts here...hope nothing ever happens to you or anyone here.

Lots of fighters who let their guard down.....sleeps well ......Aloha

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