I am not a flexible person and I find that my front (straight kicks) are limited to knee or on good days thigh height. I have seen my Dai-Sifu plant a foot into into the center of my chest. I have no lofty goals of kicking this high, but I would like to think that having the ability to kick higher would make my low or mid kicks more effective. Can you guys suggest any exercise/stretches to limber me up for these kicks. Maybe post some videos..
What you are talking about is a close range thrust kick , sometimes seen in chi sau and a few applications.
You can try and stretch but if genetics aren't on your side then it is always going to be an up hill battle I'm afraid , if it is any consolation it is a technique that to be perfectly honest would not have to be employed very often.
Your actual maximum range , without pivoting your body 45 degrees is with your leg parallel to the ground using a medium heel kick to the bladder region.
As you target higher on the body you also lose range , that's not to say that a heel in the solar plexus against a charging opponent doesn't have stopping power , because it does.
But if you can do a thrust kick to the chest , you are also usually in range to do a low heel kick to the knee , which in the case of multiple attackers , the more you can minimise the time that you are standing on one leg the better it is for you.
But having said that , the ability to plant a foot in someones chest at chi sau range is a beautiful thing , the main exercise we used at our academies apart from normal stretching was to just alternately raise each leg whilst in the stance and try to bring the knee back into your own chest .
Now the tendency is to sort of hunch over while you are trying to lift the knee up and bring it back into your chest , beware of this and make sure to keep the back straight.