High kicks


White Belt
When i go for higher kicks i feel a tightnes in my groin and the back of the thigh of my kicking foot. Any ideas on how to stretch and get rid of this?
we do some pretty good stretches for that in tkd, one go into an "extended front stance" one leg forward like if ur foot got stuck but u kept trying to walk so basicall legs look like this from a side view just a little more extended
l \

then take back knee two inches off the ground
next put down and push ur hips forward
extend ur front knee reach down and grab ur foot
slide out into a front split
turn it over for a sidekick

another one is put ur hand out in front of u and swing ur leg up slowly go higher

the final one is a buddy system, have one person kneel and u put ur foot on their shoulder grab their hand and have them stand up as high as ur able to let them, this increases flexibility and balance
I had a similar problem, and I found that there are a few stretches that help with this.

the most effective one I found is to find a ledge about belly height (higher than hips but lower than chest) put one foot up, heel down/straight knee and turn out your supporting leg. at this point you should feel the right muscles stretching, if you need to increase the stretch you can bend your supporting leg. your knee should bend away from the ledge you are using thus increasing the stretch of your groin/thigh. try to hold this stretch for 10-15 sec. then switch legs. I do this stretch AFTER training because the muscles are warm and the stretch is more effective.

another simple stretch is simple sitting on the floor with your feet together and pulled into your groin creating the "butterfly" position. hold your feet with your hands and gently push down with your elbows stretching out your inner thigh/groin. This can be done anytime, watching t.v./in bed/almost anywhere.

don't be too upset, head kicks require alot of flexibility which will come with time.
Stretching is good , but somethings to remember that stretching after you workout when your muscles are warm helps a great deal. Also dont forget to just throw kicks. You dont have to trow them so high that it hurts , but over time your muscles will loosen. I dont really stretch at all (altough I should) , but I can throw head kicks, because I am constantly kicking.

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