Originally posted by Kirk
I love my short time so far in kenpo. One thing I've notice among
boards in other places is in make believe scenarios about attacks
in the street, the replies that come in often are typically "eye
gouge, strike to the throat, etc. Something typically fatal. How
many of you here feel that each bar fight, street threat is a
threat on your life? I haven't been in a fight in over 15 years,
and I hope to never again, but I'll tell ya .. never during that time,
did I EVER intend on killing someone. And seeing how in the
decent amount of fights that I've been in, and didn't win all of
them, I think it's safe to say that it wasn't the intention of those
guys to kill me either, since I'm still alive. When I'm being taught
new techniques, I say to myself, "well maybe I'll elbow him in
the solarplexus, instead of the nose/eyes on this one" or "a
fist the the chin will hurt, and not maim in this case". I've posted
this topic on previous posts, and the typical reply is "if it's not
life or death, then you can probably walk away". I don't feel
that's always the case. Opinions?