Area champ or not, that statement by him smacks of serious ignorance. The jab is definitely not about points. A good jabber will eat your face up so bad with cuts, not only that but keep you blinded and frustrated while opening the door for other things.
I cant believe he said that, what a tard.
Well he is very good at what he does, and I should point out that he fights at the very light end of the weight categories where not so many faces get eaten up with cuts, and he boxes purely as a point scoring sport, not from a SD perspective, but I do take your points.
Again, you are missing the big picture here. A fight does not have to be "ended" by a jab for it to be used effectively to note it's worth and usefulness. Furthermore there is a huge difference between a boxing jab and a jkd straight lead. My JKD lead hits a hell of a lot harder and faster than a boxing jab.
I don't think I said it did, apologies if I gave that impression. As I have said, I am new to JKD and the club I belong to appears to be more concepts (affiliated to Bob Breen's) based and leans more towards the boxing punches than the WC punches although they feature to some degree. I look forward to training with folk such as yourself who have such a well developed JKD lead though, as I am obviously interested in getting the basics down.
There are plenty of boxers that had a mean *** jab that absolutely wrecked people.
Yes of course, but I don't think it could be argued that it is the norm in the majority of cases. Not in high profile matches anyhow.
You say jab, do you mean boxing jab or straight lead? I am getting the feeling they are synonymous to you. If I am wrong please correct me.
I thought I had posted enough to show that I am somewhat aware of the differences, but apologies if not. I am not new to forums or martial arts in general so I hope I am not being taken advantage of to be belittled as a newbie just because I am new to JKD, there are other parts of my post that I wouldn't mind feedback on, although I appreciate that some people like to pick at the bits they can argue with rather than say which bits might not be far wrong. But I'm sure this isn't the case here and that your intentions are well meant.
My straight lead hits like a lightning strike. I have busted pallets, teeth, jaws, eye sockets, noses and split chins open with mine. While my hooks or other punches can hit harder, often I feel like a surgeon when using my lead..
Well it sounds very impressive, I am interested to hear more about the circumstances in which all this damage to other combatants took place, was it in competitions, street fights etc, and were you wearing gloves or just using conditioned fists?
This depends on how serious you take yourself...
I try not to overdo it to be honest.
I am old school in my approach to conditioning. I firmly believe every striker should work on calcifying their fists. After about a year of working on different materials, starting with sand or brick and ending with steel, your fist will feel like a steel bar. I kid you not.
Are the reports of deformity and illness unfounded as regards to this kind of old school conditioning?
I am 40 and already feeling fairly arthritic in the fingers and wrists from over 2 decades of martial arts without engaging in too much of this kind of conditioning, so it's probably a bit late for me to start punching bricks.
Find someone that is a good puncher with the straight lead and have them teach it's principle to you. There are plenty out there who have not abandoned it in favor of the boxers jab. I used to use both, mostly to test what would work better. Honestly I cant justify the twist.. so much speed and power is lost. Not to mention the unnatural feel to it...
I will look into this further, thanks. To be honest everything about boxing and WC still feel unnatural to me, but the WC inspired lead punch does feel more natural than the boxing jab, and although I am told that I am hitting the pads hard, it doesn't 'feel' hard in a way that is satisfying to me in a kind of "phew that was good" kind of way, but perhaps this is normal, I don't know. Power is such a different concept in different arts and systems. Being hit with a battering ram is different to being hit with a 1 inch thick pole, some strikes are intended to me more like thrusting or to knock someone down, whereas others are penetrative and go 'through' the target etc, and I'm not sure how the jabs and leads of JKD fit into this.