stop spending!!

cut all aid to other countries

pull troops out of s korea, germany, etc

cut unemployment back to 6 months like it used to be

raise retirement to 70 over a 15 year period, people over 55 now are grandfathered in.

disband the depts of energy, education, and interior kill NEA, public broadcasting funds,

get rid of anchor babies policy, no medical treatment for illegals.

need more?

Sounds good on paper.
But, like in a good chess game, think the moves through past the initial pawn placement.
Ok, all kidding aside:
Foreign aid is but a drop in a bucket. Taking a leak into a forest fire has greater impact.
Also, traditionally foreign aid has always benefited the giver more than the recipient.

So you made a couple of pennies petty cash cutting that.

Pulling troops.

Yeah, pull them. I mean, who ares if you have a base overseas to station troops just in case you need to protect your national interests. You know, like having a safe location for your military hospital between the frontlines and athe long flight home...or a harbor to refill your battle ships to protect international waters for American ships.

Why even bother to have it. Everybody should have a 6 month emergency fund. If they haven't found a job by then, screw them, right?! Let me see... RIGHT, there are a lot of people in a lot of places who have no work right now. I guess it's only fair to let them starve under a bridge some place....maybe we just enlist them and send them to Afghanistan, solves 2 problems, right?

Retirement not until 70....
I suppose a rolling stone gathers no moss. However. These folks are a burden to the job market. Either the employers do not wish to hire them, or they would rather hire a younger person with less seniority. Or, In case they already have a job, they are keeping that position from somebody else in the market.
True, in the past men were not expected to draw much unemployment, but sheesh, it's not like we have an abundance of jobs as it is right now. Or do you suggest they all are hiered to build the next Hoover Dam or extentions to the Interstate system?

disbanding departments...
Why stop there?
Energy? Right, as much as we get hoodwinked on that matter. Sell it outright to BP, make a few bucks.
Certainly. Put the reponsebilities back into state hand. Who cares about that backwards 'Creationalism vs Evolution' did well with just reading and writing and that Arythmatic thing...

Public Broad casting, KILL IT. We have Spongebob and Glenn Beck, who needs Jim Lehrer or Nova. Not to mention all those people that spend their money on it to keep it afloat. Yes, they could save all that and put it into the economy...

Ah, the illegals...right, they drain the economy, those bastards, by taking dirty jobs hardly anybody else will touch so we all can reap the benefits from it (and don't suggest for a second that you don't!)
And as far as the law goes: Those babies born on US soil are indeed your American siblings. But since you have not a lot of compassion for those whose parents were born on the same soil, I suppose you'd just as soon send them adrift in a reed basket.

And yes, I do believe that the greater economic impact of those Illegals outweigh the cost of their health care or schooling. I do grant you that the burned of the bills is not split fairly though.

So, bottom line, you cut a couple of dollars...maybe the equivalent of a cup of coffee - not even Starbucks - from the budget.

I am with Bob though:
There is spending of money that you don't have that is beneficial to your net worth.
But sadly we have seen too much of that other kind. And no, it's not a political thing alone. The roots are so deep that both parties have made their hands dirty on that.
Eliminate the fraud from the Medicare/Medicaid systems. You'll have 60% more funds available to go where you need it to go.

Eliminate $1,000 hammers from military budgets, replace with $35 ones. Do the same with $100 screws, replace with $1 ones. Lets not discuss the toilet seats.
You'll save significantly. Billions. 19-20% at least.

Eliminate patronage jobs, redundancies and graft. Another 40% savings.

Does Nancy Pelosi really need an $18k/month office in San Fransisco when she works in DC? Eliminate 'elitist' offices from Congress, make them rent regular offic space like anyone else. Drop yes, but a significant drop, when you repeat this to all levels of government.

Eliminate government vehicular. All should use their own cars. Give then 45c a mile like everyone else gets as a tax credit. Audit them heavily. Use Google Maps to verify they drove efficiently.

Operate Government in 'start-up' mode, meaning, lean n mean and stingy with the $$.

Return to normal unemployment. This 2-4 years of extensions crap...sorry, if you haven't found -A- job in that amount of time, you aren't looking hard enough.
Swallow some pride, roll up your sleeves and go get dirty.

Cut back on food stamps. Sorry, but if you can afford that Escalade, that fur coat, that gold chain, and all those rocks, you sure as **** don't need 'welfares'.

Impose a 15% Federal Sales Tax for -2- years, with a mandated no-renew, to help cover the short term cost of getting governments **** together and restructuring.

Require all government purchases to be no greater than 5% over CONSUMER cost.
Meaning if the FBI needs a computer, and my iMac costs $2,000, and they buy an iMac like mine, it shouldn't cost us more than $2,100 to buy it for them.
Not $10,000.

This is simple math.

Cut costs, shop smart, eliminate fraud and waste. Tighten where possible.

Do that, you'll have a deficit free country in 5-10 years.
Total US Foreign Aid: ~45 billion.
Foreign bases: Hard to tell. An article in Stars and Stripes indicates that a plan was debated in 2010 to strip about $80 billion from the budget. A possibly biased source indicated we spent a total of $100 billion in 2007, so let's assume $120 billion today.
Energy is $65 billion.
Interior is $18 billion, and would be offset by about $10 billion dollars in income losses deriving from royalties earned when public land is exploited by mining and energy companies.
Education is $71 billion.
NEA is less than $0.2 billion.
CPB is less than $0.5 billion.
As near as I can determine, Unemployment extensions are about $35-45 billion a year, based on $110 billion spent by the feds from 2007 to 2010.
Total medicaid spending on illegal immigrants is estimated at 0.7%, about 2 billion dollars.
Full retirement age is currently 67, life expectancy is 78.4. Total medicare and medicaid is 1.1 trillion. Generously, let's assume that you save $200 billion from raising retirement.

Federal budget is approximately 1.5 trillion dollars over receipts - So we need another $1 trillion in cuts, to set up a new program to oversee the disposal of nuclear waste and non-functional nuclear weaponry, and about a million people cut to, at best, sub-poverty level incomes.

PS: Uncle Sam already has a law stating that he gets the lowest price on labor, period. If he does not have a purchase law in place, I would be floored. Sometimes a screw really does cost $95 to make, when it has to be made of coated titanium to survive a 12 g turn in a fighter jet. Or because he got mandated to buy it from a small american business instead of China.
It's like they say: A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you're talking about a LOT of money. :shrug:
enough drops adds up to water, or as the politician once said "a billion here and a billion there and pretty soon you are talking about real money.

and I was just getting started.

everyone always says the same thing whenever anyone comes up with cuts, it is always "that isnt enough, it doesnt accomplish anything"

well what would?


and you dont know what you are talking about on illegals, they are nothing but a drain, and they dont even spend there money here, they send most of it back. Thats been PROVEN, so dont even try to contradict that one.

compassion DOESNT MATTER if you simply DO NOT HAVE THE MONEY

did you catch that? need me to repete it? WE DO NOT HAVE THE MONEY, the free rides are over. South Korea can fend for itself because WE ARE BROKE

Israel can fend for itself, WE ARE BROKE

**** the UN, screw the starving natives of the island nation of buttsnort east asia, WE ARE BROKE

the dept of energy doesnt produce any, the department of education doesnt educate anyone, the dept of the interior is nothing but the activist arm o fthe sierra club,

it should all be killed.

when YOU are broke what do you do? keep spending or STOP SPENDING???

Ok, all kidding aside:
Foreign aid is but a drop in a bucket. Taking a leak into a forest fire has greater impact.
Also, traditionally foreign aid has always benefited the giver more than the recipient.

So you made a couple of pennies petty cash cutting that.

Pulling troops.

Yeah, pull them. I mean, who ares if you have a base overseas to station troops just in case you need to protect your national interests. You know, like having a safe location for your military hospital between the frontlines and athe long flight home...or a harbor to refill your battle ships to protect international waters for American ships.

Why even bother to have it. Everybody should have a 6 month emergency fund. If they haven't found a job by then, screw them, right?! Let me see... RIGHT, there are a lot of people in a lot of places who have no work right now. I guess it's only fair to let them starve under a bridge some place....maybe we just enlist them and send them to Afghanistan, solves 2 problems, right?

Retirement not until 70....
I suppose a rolling stone gathers no moss. However. These folks are a burden to the job market. Either the employers do not wish to hire them, or they would rather hire a younger person with less seniority. Or, In case they already have a job, they are keeping that position from somebody else in the market.
True, in the past men were not expected to draw much unemployment, but sheesh, it's not like we have an abundance of jobs as it is right now. Or do you suggest they all are hiered to build the next Hoover Dam or extentions to the Interstate system?

disbanding departments...
Why stop there?
Energy? Right, as much as we get hoodwinked on that matter. Sell it outright to BP, make a few bucks.
Certainly. Put the reponsebilities back into state hand. Who cares about that backwards 'Creationalism vs Evolution' did well with just reading and writing and that Arythmatic thing...

Public Broad casting, KILL IT. We have Spongebob and Glenn Beck, who needs Jim Lehrer or Nova. Not to mention all those people that spend their money on it to keep it afloat. Yes, they could save all that and put it into the economy...

Ah, the illegals...right, they drain the economy, those bastards, by taking dirty jobs hardly anybody else will touch so we all can reap the benefits from it (and don't suggest for a second that you don't!)
And as far as the law goes: Those babies born on US soil are indeed your American siblings. But since you have not a lot of compassion for those whose parents were born on the same soil, I suppose you'd just as soon send them adrift in a reed basket.

And yes, I do believe that the greater economic impact of those Illegals outweigh the cost of their health care or schooling. I do grant you that the burned of the bills is not split fairly though.

So, bottom line, you cut a couple of dollars...maybe the equivalent of a cup of coffee - not even Starbucks - from the budget.

I am with Bob though:
There is spending of money that you don't have that is beneficial to your net worth.
But sadly we have seen too much of that other kind. And no, it's not a political thing alone. The roots are so deep that both parties have made their hands dirty on that.
love it love it

Eliminate the fraud from the Medicare/Medicaid systems. You'll have 60% more funds available to go where you need it to go.

Eliminate $1,000 hammers from military budgets, replace with $35 ones. Do the same with $100 screws, replace with $1 ones. Lets not discuss the toilet seats.
You'll save significantly. Billions. 19-20% at least.

Eliminate patronage jobs, redundancies and graft. Another 40% savings.

Does Nancy Pelosi really need an $18k/month office in San Fransisco when she works in DC? Eliminate 'elitist' offices from Congress, make them rent regular offic space like anyone else. Drop yes, but a significant drop, when you repeat this to all levels of government.

Eliminate government vehicular. All should use their own cars. Give then 45c a mile like everyone else gets as a tax credit. Audit them heavily. Use Google Maps to verify they drove efficiently.

Operate Government in 'start-up' mode, meaning, lean n mean and stingy with the $$.

Return to normal unemployment. This 2-4 years of extensions crap...sorry, if you haven't found -A- job in that amount of time, you aren't looking hard enough.
Swallow some pride, roll up your sleeves and go get dirty.

Cut back on food stamps. Sorry, but if you can afford that Escalade, that fur coat, that gold chain, and all those rocks, you sure as **** don't need 'welfares'.

Impose a 15% Federal Sales Tax for -2- years, with a mandated no-renew, to help cover the short term cost of getting governments **** together and restructuring.

Require all government purchases to be no greater than 5% over CONSUMER cost.
Meaning if the FBI needs a computer, and my iMac costs $2,000, and they buy an iMac like mine, it shouldn't cost us more than $2,100 to buy it for them.
Not $10,000.

This is simple math.

Cut costs, shop smart, eliminate fraud and waste. Tighten where possible.

Do that, you'll have a deficit free country in 5-10 years.
Here is a column about the reaction of Conservative talk show host, and constitutional lawyer, and head of the Landmark legal foundation, Mark Levin. Mark Levin takes on the republican leadership and their refusal to engage in real spending cuts.

There is an audio clip of his show where he goes after the weak spined republican leadership.

From the article:

Levin said the leadership should have explained what a [COLOR=green !important][COLOR=green !important]government[/COLOR] shutdown would entail instead of making the case that the GOP wouldn’t shut the government down. Later, he said conservatives made the GOP takeover of the House possible and they can take that away as well.
“We’re going to clean out the swamp here,” Levin said. “We’re going to deal with the weak underbelly, whether they like it or not. You guys are going to learn to hate me and hate us more and more when you’re out on your asses looking for a [COLOR=green !important][COLOR=green !important]job[/COLOR][/COLOR] and can’t find one with the almost 10 percent unemployed and the almost 20 percent underemployed and unemployed. You’re going to learn to hate me and hate the tens of millions of people who put you in office because we can drag you the hell out of office too. You’re not going to talk to us this way and get away with it – I can tell you that right now.”

Read more:[/COLOR]​
``If they would rather die,'' said Scrooge, ``they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.
The biggest expenditure in your budget is the military, but the government says it canÂ’t be touched. If that is true then you are royally ****ed.

They vote against cut backs to the military because anyone who votes for it, is dead in the next election, everyone says cut, cut cut, but the reality means millions out of work and whole regions dying because the military laid off people, and the military is not buying weapons anymore, no one wants to be the one to do that.
Actually Ken Morgan, and this is just a quick look, but Medicare, medicaid, and social security are each more expensive than the military. The military is also the only constitutionally mandated duty of the government.

Some other sites point to military spending being more than anything else, but those sites carry names like "War resisters" and "united for peace and justice" and others, probably a little less objective on the issue.

I don't consider Homland security and veteran's benefits part of the military budget. Also, keep in mind, the role of the U.S. military in the world. We garrison countries around the world, protect the oceans from pirates, (at least we did before Obama) and if you hadn't noticed, those are U.S. warships off the coast of Japan providing help. Those things all cost money and are worth every penny.
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The biggest expenditure in your budget is the military
The biggest expenditure IS NOT the military. It is the myriad social programs.
the military is not buying weapons anymore, no one wants to be the one to do that.
Uh, the military IS buying weapons, you may have noticed they are using them in Iraq and Afghanistan... When you use things, they break, wear out, you have to replace them...
Read the sentence again, Don. What Ken actually said was that if military expenditure was cut then there were economic consequences that are hard to offset, one of which was the curtailment of hardware purchase programmes.
Read the sentence again, Don. What Ken actually said was that if military expenditure was cut then there were economic consequences that are hard to offset, one of which was the curtailment of hardware purchase programmes.
Mea maxima culpa, if that is what he meant.
The biggest expenditure in your budget is the military, but the government says it canÂ’t be touched. If that is true then you are royally ****ed.
I read it as, if the government says it can't be touched then, you are royally ****ed. We don't even have royalty, we can't be royally ****ed :p
:chuckles: Aye, it is indeed a fate the America's have been safe from for a couple of centuries :D.
I dunno.
There was Norton I, Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico....but he died a while back. ;)

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