Ok, all kidding aside:
Foreign aid is but a drop in a bucket. Taking a leak into a forest fire has greater impact.
Also, traditionally foreign aid has always benefited the giver more than the recipient.
So you made a couple of pennies petty cash cutting that.
Pulling troops.
Yeah, pull them. I mean, who ares if you have a base overseas to station troops just in case you need to protect your national interests. You know, like having a safe location for your military hospital between the frontlines and athe long flight home...or a harbor to refill your battle ships to protect international waters for American ships.
Why even bother to have it. Everybody should have a 6 month emergency fund. If they haven't found a job by then, screw them, right?! Let me see... RIGHT, there are a lot of people in a lot of places who have no work right now. I guess it's only fair to let them starve under a bridge some place....maybe we just enlist them and send them to Afghanistan, solves 2 problems, right?
Retirement not until 70....
I suppose a rolling stone gathers no moss. However. These folks are a burden to the job market. Either the employers do not wish to hire them, or they would rather hire a younger person with less seniority. Or, In case they already have a job, they are keeping that position from somebody else in the market.
True, in the past men were not expected to draw much unemployment, but sheesh, it's not like we have an abundance of jobs as it is right now. Or do you suggest they all are hiered to build the next Hoover Dam or extentions to the Interstate system?
disbanding departments...
Why stop there?
Energy? Right, as much as we get hoodwinked on that matter. Sell it outright to BP, make a few bucks.
Certainly. Put the reponsebilities back into state hand. Who cares about that backwards 'Creationalism vs Evolution' thing...kids did well with just reading and writing and that Arythmatic thing...
Public Broad casting, KILL IT. We have Spongebob and Glenn Beck, who needs Jim Lehrer or Nova. Not to mention all those people that spend their money on it to keep it afloat. Yes, they could save all that and put it into the economy...
Ah, the illegals...right, they drain the economy, those bastards, by taking dirty jobs hardly anybody else will touch so we all can reap the benefits from it (and don't suggest for a second that you don't!)
And as far as the law goes: Those babies born on US soil are indeed your American siblings. But since you have not a lot of compassion for those whose parents were born on the same soil, I suppose you'd just as soon send them adrift in a reed basket.
And yes, I do believe that the greater economic impact of those Illegals outweigh the cost of their health care or schooling. I do grant you that the burned of the bills is not split fairly though.
So, bottom line, you cut a couple of dollars...maybe the equivalent of a cup of coffee - not even Starbucks - from the budget.
I am with Bob though:
There is spending of money that you don't have that is beneficial to your net worth.
But sadly we have seen too much of that other kind. And no, it's not a political thing alone. The roots are so deep that both parties have made their hands dirty on that.