Military spending - how much is appropriate?

All we are spending and more really. We have Afghanistan, Iraq is winding down, but China and Russia are emerging, a global war on terror, North Korea causing problems, Somali pirates raiding ships, drug cartels causing problems on our borders, the list goes on and on. We never needed the military more in my lifetime, as much as we're spending and more.
I remember...

"Put on a sweater" and "even plate/odd plate gas rationing".....

Remember how Carter suggest couples should shower together to save water and electricity?

If Obama keeps it up, we may all end up doing that and driving 55, if we can afford a 'green' car!

Jimmy Carter had nothing to do with that. The Emergency Highway Conservation Act, which Richard Nixon signed into law in January 1974, imposed the 55mph speed limit.

In response to the Arab Oil Embargo, also in '74, if I remember correctly. That was the year of the long lines at gas stations and "odd-even" license plate number rationing, if I remember correctly. Funny how previous posters mis-attributed these, and a host of other ills, all to Jimmy Carter. I guess its just human nature to simplify history and put everything bad on one guy. Back when I was a kid, everything bad was "Nixon's fault"... right down to the weather.
Jimmy Carter had nothing to do with that. The Emergency Highway Conservation Act, which Richard Nixon signed into law in January 1974, imposed the 55mph speed limit.

Well, there was so many stupid things Carter did, it's easy to say he did them all.

The sad thing is, did we learn from all the mistakes Carter and Nixon and the rest did?

When we had the embargo, did we drill more? Why aren't we drilling more today?

When we had Carter (and Clinton) try his socialistic schemes, like Natioal Health Care (Remember Hillary and 'Health Care'? The 'coffees". The secret Health Care confrences with big doctors and business?) why do they try it again?

Carter would not lower taxes and the end result was 'stagflation'. Yet when Reagan cut taxes the economy skyrocketed. And here is Obama doing the same as Carter (only worse.)

And remember Nixon's price controls? Wanna bet if things get worse and inflation roars in, Obama won't try that again to?

Yea it's easy to dump it all on Carter. But that's cause Carter was just so pitiful as a president.

Look at it this way. All that spending we have done has kept us from being in a third World War. A nuclear one. You will find that if we did not stay strong that would have invited another big war. Like the two world wars we went through (and at the time our country was isolationist.)

MAD prevented a third world war. The best thing that ever happened was that all power players got nuclear weapons, thus enforcing a stalemate.
Ya know...I'm thinking...If they (the gov't) left the 2nd ammendment alone and let it go as intended we probably wouldn't need all this military spending.

Just a thought.

Can you fit a spy sat, aircraft carrier or hellfire missile defense system in your household budget? Handguns and infantrymen have little to do with warfare and national defense.

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