Still a little honesty in the world

He was tempted... you gotta give him extra credit for even mentioning it...
Kudos to the man. He'll get a better sleep at night knowing that they won't come dig up his backyard looking for it because "somehow they found you out!" :anic:
Good for him. On a lesser scale a friend of mine recently lost his wallet right after he had cashed a check. He had over four hudred dollars in the wallet when he lost it at Wal-Mart! He was pretty distraught but the next day it was turned in with credit cards and money by an employee. Just goes to show you that there are lot's of good people out there.
There are lots of good people out there, unfortunetally their stories typically get overshadowed by the bad people, nice to see something like this being brought to light.
Well done that man :tup:.

Well done to letch too for bringing news about someone doing something good and right - as you say, we've had a few real horrors lately and it's timely to be reminded that most people are 'good'.

As Blotan said elsewhere, most crime is committed by the same, small, percentage of parasitic humans not happy to be productive parts of their society.
Kudos, indeed. As Ping said, too often such stories are not reported because, in the opinion of those making such decisions, they do not increase ratings the way negative stories do - so while they may be listed in the newspaper, usually toward the back of the local news section, they rarely, if ever, make the television news.