Stigma Against Women Who Wrestle

Girly girl and tomboy as descriptions of things not real females. We can be what ever we want surely without being labelled. Who says women who like hiking can't wear makeup, or someone who wears a dress can't play video games? Stop with this labelling and see women as women. :)

Labels are a natural part of language and culture. Prejudiced and biases are natural instincts for humans. It's when they're derogatory or spiteful that it's an issue. Growing up, I was quite the nerd. It's a label but it is what it is. Just because I call something how I see it doesn't mean I don't see women as women. I respect women as much as I do any man.
Labels are a natural part of language and culture. Prejudiced and biases are natural instincts for humans. It's when they're derogatory or spiteful that it's an issue. Growing up, I was quite the nerd. It's a label but it is what it is. Just because I call something how I see it doesn't mean I don't see women as women. I respect women as much as I do any man.

Do you think men or women should decide whether 'tomboy' and 'girly girl' are wrong labels? I wouldn't say prejudices and biases are natural instincts but learned behaviours. I would say they are a problem even if not derogatory or spiteful.

In the UK we rarely use the word 'jocks' to describe male athletic types as Jocks to us are Scottish people male and female. We tend not to do the nerd/dork/motorheads thing either. Our 'labels' if you like are more individual to the person regardless of gender.
I assume he's also quite happy with kicking males in the nuts as well, which is only fair. Kicking people chest height is actually less effective than kicking other targets but if he wants you to be less effective I suppose it's his business.

Yes he is.

And the liver.


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Yes he is.

And the liver.

Liver is a good shot, the boobs aren't. In a real fight it won't stop a female attacker because it's not nearly as painful as men imagine, it's mostly subcutaneous fat. I think your female students are 'squealing' because they perceive you going for a sexual target. I would go that bit lower and catch the diaphragm, much more effective and the target you'll see female MT fighters go for as I was taught.
Liver is a good shot, the boobs aren't. In a real fight it won't stop a female attacker because it's not nearly as painful as men imagine, it's mostly subcutaneous fat. I think your female students are 'squealing' because they perceive you going for a sexual target. I would go that bit lower and catch the diaphragm, much more effective and the target you'll see female MT fighters go for as I was taught.

Yeah. The liver is kind of a sneaky integrated MMA thing that filtered down to our club because we kind of cross train.

It murders people.

Have a look at the gif. It took me a little while to hunt down.

I just filled in my wife about what this thread was discussing. Then I read her the Huffington article. She thought about it, said, "yeah, that's probably right." Then she paused for a few more seconds, and said,
"Tomboy had been part of our language since I was born, and since I'm still here, they can all go F themselves and the politically correct horses they rode in on. Bunch of pussy A-holes."

So says my Tomboy wife.
I just filled in my wife about what this thread was discussing. Then I read her the Huffington article. She thought about it, said, "yeah, that's probably right." Then she paused for a few more seconds, and said,
"Tomboy had been part of our language since I was born, and since I'm still here, they can all go F themselves and the politically correct horses they rode in on. Bunch of pussy A-holes."

So says my Tomboy wife.
Agreed! I'm really sick of this 'politically-correctness' being shoved down our throats these days...
I just filled in my wife about what this thread was discussing. Then I read her the Huffington article. She thought about it, said, "yeah, that's probably right." Then she paused for a few more seconds, and said,
"Tomboy had been part of our language since I was born, and since I'm still here, they can all go F themselves and the politically correct horses they rode in on. Bunch of pussy A-holes."

So says my Tomboy wife.

Agreed! I'm really sick of this 'politically-correctness' being shoved down our throats these days...

I'm British not politically correct. I'm also not being offensive, I am asking people to think.
I am also a Rainbow, Brownie and Guide leader with responsibility for girls aged 5-14, and funnily enough they don't like being labelled 'tomboy' and especially don't like being called 'girly girls' they are what they are ...themselves. They want to be able to do what they enjoy doing without comments, is that too much to ask? they want to be seen as their unique selves, not pigeon holed into boxes. They want to be able to do things without comments that it's unusual for a girl. It's not politically correct to want girls to be able to go out and enjoy.
Think about it like this, as a bloke you enjoy knitting/sewing/ shopping, should you be called a 'janegirl' or similar? It's such an outdated way of thinking about things, old fashioned which is what our girls pointed out, times have moved on and changed, that's again nothing to do with political correctness ( perhaps you get more of that than we do) it's about treating people as individuals. We have female Prime Ministers, Presidents, Heads of State, fire chiefs, senior police officers and military, senior politicians and government ministers etc etc now yet you are still clinging to old fashioned views that put women in a box.
Girls Don’t Like Being Called Tomboys Anymore. Here’s Why… - Mpora

As for being offensive just because you don't like what someone says.....
Tez, maybe that is just a cultural difference. In America, most women don't mind being called a tom-boys or girlie-girls....many are proud to it.
Tez, maybe that is just a cultural difference. In America, most women don't mind being called a tom-boys or girlie-girls....many are proud to it.

I imagine it is sadly.
We teach girls that they are unique, that they don't have to fit any boxes, they can go climb a mountain wearing makeup if they want to, they can sit and knit wearing Doc Martin boots and ripped jeans if they wish, that in fact they don't have to fit into stereotypes which of course 'girly girl' and tomboy' are.
This is the UK campaign to get girls and women into sport, which of course the 'girly girl' appellation works against, one can't be a 'girly girl' and get sweaty and physical, that's what 'tomboys' do, they can't of course get dressed up and wear high heels. We have to teach young girls that they can be and do whatever they want without being labelled or mocked.
This girl can - This Girl Can

This Girl Can: campaign launches new ad – video
Do you think men or women should decide whether 'tomboy' and 'girly girl' are wrong labels? I wouldn't say prejudices and biases are natural instincts but learned behaviours. I would say they are a problem even if not derogatory or spiteful.

The person it is being applied to. If they don't like it, then they shouldn't be called it.

I've studied human psychology (for a brief while I thought about majoring in psychology) and have had to study cognitive biases in my intelligence studies. Every time we make an assumption about someone, educated as it might be, it is a prejudice because we are judging without having all of the information. It's the way our minds work... take what we see and know and automatically start deducing the rest. The important part is recognizing the fallacies in this and understanding that it is important to continually take in information and change your opinions based on that new information. We are all naturally prejudice and biased. Common biases are confirmation bias where we tend to cue in on information that confirms our thoughts and reject those that change it. As I said, it's important to just realize this is happening. I think due to social issues such as with race, gender, and religion, the word prejudice has taken on negative connotations. You can be a relatively open minded person and you still have prejudices.

I think the difference in perspective on labels that you're taking and what seems to be most of the Americans on this board is that we don't view it as a confining box. A girly girl isn't getting dirty because someone labeled her as a girly girl... it's because she puts the time and effort into getting her nails done and doesn't want to ruin them. It doesn't mean she can't but the label is used because of her preference of not getting dirty. A girl or boy should be able to do whatever they want. Applying a label based on their preference isn't telling them that they have to stay in some arbitrarily designed set of rules for such label.
A girly girl isn't getting dirty because someone labeled her as a girly girl... it's because she puts the time and effort into getting her nails done and doesn't want to ruin them

I have also taken psychology and you are misunderstanding the above. Of course she isn't doing it because she has been labelled as a girly girl by someone, she is doing it because she has been raised to be a girly girl which is what I meant. Young children are free from biased judgements, they don't see colour or even notice much about gender but this is changed by adults. 'Boys don't cry', 'girls don't fight', boys behave one way girls another according to many. The difficulties I have teaching females to fight is because they aren't brought up to be tough, boys are even if they don't want to be. Girls are expected by many to be nurturing not punching or kicking in martial arts, boys are expected by the same people to cultivate 'manly' pursuits hence when girls want to do the same as boys they are called 'tomboys' because they can't possibly be 'proper' girls can they? Girls are 'sugar and spice and all things nice' and boys, well you know the rhyme.
Fedor: Women shouldn’t fight. MMA is for men

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