Sticky Hands

Touch Of Death said:
I just learned the UKF stinking hand set One.

Stinking Hand Set? that sounds potent!
Any chance I can talk you into the Seminar in Pheonix in March i will be flying in from Hawaii just for it. I had already commited to this seminar before I found out about the one in Washington. I would like to meet you finally.


Rick Wade said:
Any chance I can talk you into the Seminar in Pheonix in March i will be flying in from Hawaii just for it. I had already commited to this seminar before I found out about the one in Washington. I would like to meet you finally.


Phoenix is too far for my blood. I'm sure we will meet sometime or perhaps at a Professor Hancock function. If I ever get out to Hawaii again it would be great to look you up.
When Mr. Hancock came out to Hawaii last month. I had the pleasure of talking to him for about 1 1/2 at Jamba juice and then I took acouple of friends over to Mr. Quicks house and we had a good time with him working a couple of techiniques.


Touch Of Death said:
I just learned the UKF stinking hand set One. Its cool, but hard to change to that motion. At close range it starts to come toguether. I hope to learn set Two Soon.

STINKING hand.....I don't think I want to learn that one. Lol.
It was a mispelling. Sorry, but its too late to edit now. I hope you won't let a spelling error hinder your journey through the art. It would be a shame.
I know it was a misspelling but I couldn't resist the joke.:) The sticky hands sets are an integral part of my training. I'm glad you enjoy them.

Rick Wade said:
When Mr. Hancock came out to Hawaii last month. I had the pleasure of talking to him for about 1 1/2 at Jamba juice and then I took acouple of friends over to Mr. Quicks house and we had a good time with him working a couple of techiniques.


Skip (I mean Mr. Hancock) never fails to blow my mind with his insights. Sometimes I miss what he is talking about because I am so intent on considering what he has just said a moment before. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. I'll look forward to training with you in the future.
TChase said:
I know it was a misspelling but I couldn't resist the joke.:) The sticky hands sets are an integral part of my training. I'm glad you enjoy them.

No problem. Actualy until this thread, I thought the person whom taught it to me was saying Sticking hands. I guess I should get my ears checked. This was the root of my mis-spelling.