Quick Note:
I have managed to tape my sticks with just about every kind of tape there is, most tape gets broken off and starts to get sticky, if you work power strikes on tires or other things it tends to break off and get nasty.
A few years back though i found some tape on clearance in a surf shop, and its what i use now for a number of reasons.
Its plain cloth canvas un died type tape used by skate boarders, or surfers, it does not leave your hands sticky as it never breaks up and because its cloth, when or if it gets wet or damp it does not swell the wood under it because its breathable.
Note: this happens sometimes with me as i live and train on the beach daily... ie sticks getting wet or damp
I still have the same set of sticks i first taped with this tape when i first started using it, and i have done thousands of power strikes with them and still the tape is in tact, sometimes when needed i add a new line of tape on top of the old to tighten up new cracks here and their.
Ms. J....:asian: