I found this on bear attacks in Yellowstone park (figured I'd go with there since it's a park within bear country).
I found this on a different site, although it's not from a government/official website, just a blog, and I don't see a reference. It also doesn't state what time period it's looking at for this data, or if X has to be the primary cause of death, only cause of death, or if it's including secondary/tertiary causes, so I'd take it with a huge grain of salt.
None of this is relevant to my point, just something that I found interesting.
Quick note, this says bear attack, not necessarily injury or death. They go into both of those on the site, but this part specifies just an attack occurring on a visit there.Type of Recreational Activity: Risk of Grizzly Bear Attack
Remain in developed areas, roadsides, and boardwalks: 1 in 59.5 million visits
Camp in roadside campgrounds: 1 in 26.6 million overnight stays
Camp in the backcountry: 1 in 1.7 million overnight stays
Hike in the backcountry: 1 in 232,613 person travel days
All park activities combined: 1 in 2.7 million visits
I found this on a different site, although it's not from a government/official website, just a blog, and I don't see a reference. It also doesn't state what time period it's looking at for this data, or if X has to be the primary cause of death, only cause of death, or if it's including secondary/tertiary causes, so I'd take it with a huge grain of salt.
Cause of death ………………… # dead
Cardiovascular disease …….. 856,030
Transportation accidents …. 48,441
Drowning ……………………….. 3,582
Hypothermia ……………………699
West Nile virus ……………….. 119
Hornet/bee/wasp stings ….. 48.5
Snake bites …………………….. 5.2
Bear attacks …………….. 2
None of this is relevant to my point, just something that I found interesting.