States vote to allow Same-Sex Marriage.

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
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Today, Maine, Maryland and Washington state vote on whether to legalize same-sex marriage, and Minnesota votes on whether to place a ban on gay marriage in the state constitution.

"Every time gay marriage has gone before the voters it's failed!"

Not any more. While votes are still being counted as I post this, it looks likely that same-sex marriage will be passed by public vote in several states. Meanwhile the Minnesota vote is too close to call with the balance shifting constantly.



State Results »
Polls Close: 9 PM ET
Same-sex marriage ban

50.8% Reporting

N No 49.0% 741,745
Y Yes 48.0% 726,485
E Estimated Blanks 2.9% 44,115

Would amend the constitution to ban same-sex marriage.



State Results »
Polls Close: 8 PM ET

Legalize same-sex marriage

92.7% Reporting
Y Yes 51.7% 1,120,813

N No 48.3% 1,045,267

Would allow same-sex couples to obtain a civil marriage license



State Results »

Polls Close: 8 PM ET
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Legalize same-sex marriage

48.6% Reporting

Y Winner Yes 53.9% 188,168

N No 46.1% 160,671

Would repeal the statewide same-sex marriage ban and allow same-sex couples to marry.



State Results »

Polls Close: 11 PM ET
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Legalize same-sex marriage

49.9% Reporting

Y Yes 51.8% 959,857

N No 48.2% 893,953

Would allow same-sex couples to marry and preserve right of clergy or religious organizations to refuse to perform, recognize or accommodate any marriage ceremony.
Once discrimination against race was acceptable. Not anymore. Today discrimination against sexual preference is acceptable. That is changing.
A trvia fact Bob states and some cities are realizing the positive financial impact of allowing same sex marriage. I forgot the number but I thought it was New York City reported a very large sum due to this?
I think the economic impact for NY was about $100M boost, but I'm out of date on my figures and may be remembering wrong. It wasn't chump change. As a provider of services to couples geting married, legal gay marriage literally doubles my prospect base. Doubling the number of potential customers for my photography services IS an economic boost in a down economy.

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