Starting to freak out

Freaking out isn't always a bad thing. It can keep you from being overconfident.

Can't wait to hear your stories about your test :)
bignick said:
Does it help knowing I might not be there to smack you around? If I can't make it up next weekend, best of luck to you and the rest. Keep kickin' Jen!

Well who am I gonna ask to hold for my board breaks now?? Way to go Mr. Nick, you just threw off all my preparation! :p

It's fun working out with you Mr. Nick cuz I can kick as hard as I possibly can and when I'm done you just look at me like 'Is that it??'
Well, here we go, the last 24 hours. This time tomorrow i will be headed to the gym to begin my black belt test. Wish me luck!!
For me, nerves actually helps make moves more powerful and accurate, and stances look like they should.
You are going to do awesome!

The best advice that I have ever recieved in my life was for my Black belt test.

"One thing at a time." Take the entire thing one punch, one kick, one form at time. To echo all the much wiser instructors (far more so than I, anyway) if you weren't already a black belt, you wouldn't be testing. Your instructor knows it, now its your chance to show yourself...thats the important part.

You won't need it, but good luck!
Good luck to you.

On another note, if your instructor didn't think you were ready, I doubt that you would have been given permission to test for your 1st dan. You're going to be just fine tomorrow, as long as you keep in mind, that you're there because you deserve to be there.
Best of luck Jen, I'm sure you'll do fine, because you are prepared.

Just a suggestion, but IMO, it's really important and it works:

Today, just rest. Don't train physically. You know the material by now anyway. Rest your body and hydrate. Eat a high carb dinner and go to bed early.

Very important: while you are resting today, practice a bit of visualization.
This is practiced by a great many top athletes in sports today, and it has
always helped me. Lie down in a quiet room, and just "see yourself" in your head performing every task demanded of you in your test. See it so vividly you can almost feel yourself
actually doing it. Stay relaxed and breathing normally. Repeat several times in succession for each task/technique you expect to be asked to perform. Anticipate any "tricks" or unexpected challenges that your teacher might give you (be creative, remember: "chance favors the prepared mind"), and decide now how you would deal with each situation, and again, "see yourself" handling it with ease. Do this entire visualization exercise 2 - 3 times today if possible.

Again, make sure you are relaxed and breathing normally in the process.

Again, good luck. You KNOW you're ready!
I agree with Martial Tucker - eat well, rest, relax, do NOT work out; high stress times like these make it more likely you might injure yourself, and that would really suck... because you'd end up testing injured and making it worse (and you know you would test anyway; I would... come to think of it, I did).

When you get up tomorrow, eat something bland and sustaining, drink plenty of water, and remember - you are demonstrating that you already are a black belt - you're not asking for it, you're demonstrating it. When you get up for your test, enjoy yourself - and let your enjoyment of your abilities show in your performance.

And in the best theater tradition - break a leg!
Comfort foods is good for the nerves- like pretzels, crackers, anything crunchy of that nature. Make sure you get enough sleep, take a tylenol to relax yourself before going to bed. Meditate, meditate, meditate! Just work on clearing your mind of clutter, questions of "what if..."
Thanks everyone!!! I will let you know how it goes. Awesome advice and support from awesome people, you guys rock!!!
If Jen's I Dan test is anything like mine was, she may not be done yet - especially as she lists herself being in North Dakota. Also, I didn't get the official answer on my I Dan test for several weeks... several very long, very frustrating weeks! Hopefully, however, she'll have a good idea where she stands when she's done - and we want to hear about it!
She won't be done...after the test there was a black belt class scheduled at of luck Jen
Just got home! Test started at 9 and we got done at 7pm, minus a lunch and dinner break. Written test went awesome, physical test was awesome. Written test was on TKD history, terminology, tenets, goals, etc. Physical test was a 12 minute run, max situps and pushups in 1 minute (65 and 76 respectively, both new personal bests, yeah!), a timed sprint, and an endurance roundhouse drill, and maybe some other stuff i can't remember yet...

Curriculum test, well let's just say I am never satisfied, I always think I could do better. As a group, our president said we were the best group of women he's seen since our instructor tested, so I must not have been too bad! :)

Breaking was so much fun! I had a 360 ax, front kick and jump back kick each w/ 2 boards, and hammer fist and forearm 2 boards each.

We will go over our test sheets with our instructor at the next class, but we all passed based on what Master Roy told us.

Now I will go shower and pass out from exhaustion! Thanks for all the support and well wishes! You guys are awesome!!!

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