Starting my first Judo class on Monday at 37


White Belt
Just wanted to say hello and that I'm excited for my journey in Judo. I understand that I'm older and at 37 will need to listen and take care of my body. I found a pretty sweet club about 5 miles from my house that has training M,W,Sat. I plan on attending on Monday and Wednesday until I'm in better shape and more experienced then will attend on Saturday as well. My club is led by a 7th dan and is part of the USJF. Any tips would be appreciated. I'm 6'4" 195lbs if that helps. Cheers guys!
Welcome to MT, and don't feel bad about starting at 37. I recently started doing Kenpo and I am also 37. A lot of people start doing MA later in life. There is no wrong time to start! In fact, one of my sensei's started training when he was in his 40's. I have never taken Judo so I can't really give you any good tips but welcome to the forums!
Welcome to MT! Don't worry about starting at 37, there's no maximum age. Just go at your own pace and communicate with your training partner if you need some adjustment to intensity/speed. Don't be afraid to ask questions to make sure you understand and if the opporunity to train with a higher belt presents itself, take it. They have much better control of their techniques and this will reduce risk of injury.

Above all, have fun!
Welcome to MT, and don't feel bad about starting at 37. I recently started doing Kenpo and I am also 37. A lot of people start doing MA later in life. There is no wrong time to start! In fact, one of my sensei's started training when he was in his 40's. I have never taken Judo so I can't really give you any good tips but welcome to the forums!
Thank you sir, much appreciated. Happy training to you!
Don't feel like you have to keep up with anyone else's fitness level. And prepare beforehand with stretching. They'll probably do some at the beginning of class, but you should do some extra since you're likely less flexible than others going into the class.

If you get the chance, talk with some of the other students and get their thoughts on the place.

If you don't like the vibe, don't feel pressured to commit to a contract on the spot.

Have fun, and don't think 37 is too old!

And welcome to both martial arts and martialtalk :)