Starting a few new things


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
I have decided to start a few new adventures, I will be leasing some space to a Ketlebell Instructor certified though Kettlebells USA and he has agreed to train me with them so I am looking forward to it also his friend teaches Commando Krag Maga and Systema. They seem like a great bunch of guys and promises to be a great workout. We will be starting at my school late next week, I have rented them a backroom with about 750 square feet of space. I feel like a kid in a candy store because they train old school, which means hardcore, hope my body can take it? Will keep everyone posted on my progress.
Yea I realy do not understand alot about it, but I am sure I will in time.
you will love the concepts of that training.
keep us informed of how it goes
Hello, Kettlebells training looks to can tell it is NOT easy!

We can see your powers(muscles) getting bigger.....

I have decided to start a few new adventures, I will be leasing some space to a Ketlebell Instructor certified though Kettlebells USA and he has agreed to train me with them so I am looking forward to it also his friend teaches Commando Krag Maga and Systema. They seem like a great bunch of guys and promises to be a great workout. We will be starting at my school late next week, I have rented them a backroom with about 750 square feet of space. I feel like a kid in a candy store because they train old school, which means hardcore, hope my body can take it? Will keep everyone posted on my progress.

Good for you Terry, I was one of the earliest proffesional Kettlebell Instructors in the US, and I know how hard it can be to find a place to teach. Good luck with it.
Congrats!! You are going to be sore from many angles for a while, but in the end, you will win out. :)

Good luck in your training!
Good luck with that Terry, sounds like a win win for everyone. Let us know how it goes!
That sounds great Terry. Good luck and happy training.
Sounds fun! I hope this re-energizes you, is fun and worthwhile, and keeps you in the game!