Well, I'll take a shot in the dark and try to answer this question. I'll start off by saying that my KM knowledge is on the surface only. In other words, I have some very basic instruction from someone who trained for a while with Rhon Mizrachi in NY. I'm not part of a group, school, organization at all.
That being said...the number of groups, is really no different than the number of groups in any other art. Take Kenpo/Kempo. They're all part of the same tree, just different branches. Many derived from the same source, but splintered off, thus the various groups. The same applies to Arnis. There are various groups that came from Remy Presas. They're all teaching Modern Arnis, but each teacher adds their own touch to it.
Now, of course, there are also many groups that all want to claim something, in many cases, that their style is the only legit one out there. Talk to any Parker Kenpo person about the Tracy Kenpo style, and you're bound to find one that says that Tracy isnt real Kenpo, its missing things, etc., etc.
IMO, its all hearsay, until someone were to show me proof that they're the #1, sole inheritor of the art. When Remy Presas was on his death bed, many people went to pay their respects to him. Many people took advantage of him and him being in a weak state, and next thing you know, you have a bunch of people running around saying that Remy made them a GM and gave them the sole rights to the art.
How does this relate to KM? I'm sure many groups came from Imi. I'm sure he promoted many to a high rank. Did some promote themselves higher after he died? No idea, but I wouldn't be surprised. As far as CKM goes...from what I see on various forums, people say that its not KM at all, but instead an off shoot and is totally different than what you'd see in a true KM school. Then again, I've never seen CKM aside from a few clips, so I can't really judge it.
Out of curiosity, have you asked this question of your current teacher? They may be able to provide more insight.