Started Chin na training with Dr Yang Jwing Ming

Wing Woo Gar

Senior Master
Sep 30, 2021
Reaction score
Northern California
I Started training with Dr Yang last month. I’m enjoying my time with him immensely, I’m lucky in that he has semi retired just 5 minutes from my house. I met him in a local restaurant and asked to train with him. We had tea and I brought 4 of my students with me. He is very gracious and we meet two or three times a week, before I teach my classes. Anyone else in my area who wants to train regularly and can commit? I need one additional training partner.
I’m spending all my time with him on Qinna.

Good teacher to have for Qinna. When I was going for push hands I had a conversation with onr of his studenets who was alsp assisting him in teaching. We were taklig about the personality, if y ou will, abut his seminar groups. Back then he had several seminars, 2 times a year, in Boston.

The guy I talk to said the Long fist people were a little aggressive
The Taijiquan people tended to be pretty balanced
the Qigong people tended to be a little spacy
and the Qinna people belonged in prison :)

I did no Qinna seminars with him in Boston, but did some Qinna with him at Master Jou's Taiji farm, I think it was in Warwick NY

I have been toying with the idea of getting a refresher in YMAA push hands, there is a group not to far from me, but I am still not sure I want to travel 2 hours every Saturday to train
Good teacher to have for Qinna. When I was going for push hands I had a conversation with onr of his studenets who was alsp assisting him in teaching. We were taklig about the personality, if y ou will, abut his seminar groups. Back then he had several seminars, 2 times a year, in Boston.

The guy I talk to said the Long fist people were a little aggressive
The Taijiquan people tended to be pretty balanced
the Qigong people tended to be a little spacy
and the Qinna people belonged in prison :)

I did no Qinna seminars with him in Boston, but did some Qinna with him at Master Jou's Taiji farm, I think it was in Warwick NY

I have been toying with the idea of getting a refresher in YMAA push hands, there is a group not to far from me, but I am still not sure I want to travel 2 hours every Saturday to train
You could just ride a plane out here and visit.
Good teacher to have for Qinna. When I was going for push hands I had a conversation with onr of his studenets who was alsp assisting him in teaching. We were taklig about the personality, if y ou will, abut his seminar groups. Back then he had several seminars, 2 times a year, in Boston.

The guy I talk to said the Long fist people were a little aggressive
The Taijiquan people tended to be pretty balanced
the Qigong people tended to be a little spacy
and the Qinna people belonged in prison :)

I did no Qinna seminars with him in Boston, but did some Qinna with him at Master Jou's Taiji farm, I think it was in Warwick NY

I have been toying with the idea of getting a refresher in YMAA push hands, there is a group not to far from me, but I am still not sure I want to travel 2 hours every Saturday to train
Funny, he tells other students that I am “naughty” and to be careful with me if they are “tender”. My advanced students train there with me, they already know me. My Sifu used to warn my training brothers that although I was not the fastest or strongest amongst them, I had something they didn’t, commitment, and malicious intent. I don’t do half measures, and never have. If they want to sink a technique on me they must earn it. Dr Yang seems to like using me for the demonstration dummy. I like it too, he drags me across his floor multiple times each session. Every time I get up smiling like a child at the carnival rides.
Funny, he tells other students that I am “naughty” and to be careful with me if they are “tender”. My advanced students train there with me, they already know me. My Sifu used to warn my training brothers that although I was not the fastest or strongest amongst them, I had something they didn’t, commitment, and malicious intent. I don’t do half measures, and never have. If they want to sink a technique on me they must earn it. Dr Yang seems to like using me for the demonstration dummy. I like it too, he drags me across his floor multiple times each session. Every time I get up smiling like a child at the carnival rides.
Did the same thing every time I got off the floor after my Yang Shifu knocked me down. Did the same thing when Dr Yang droped me to my knees during push hands too
Dr. Yang wrote one of most down to earth books on Qigong I've read. It helps put the practice into proper modern focus, given its prescientifc origins.

I've convinced a lot of skeptics quoting this book, the least of which was one of the most rational explanations of Qi and the (modernly obvious connection of circulation to health.

